I remember back then, after we had watched the movie Superman - TopicsExpress


I remember back then, after we had watched the movie Superman where Christopher Reef played the character Superman. We admired the character and tried to demonstrate some of the things we saw him do, yes! one of the things we wished to do was fly (just the way he did in the movie). Well, in the bid to attempt flying, one of us jumped off a cliff, and injured himself terribly, and as we watched him get injured falling down the cliff, rather than flying from the cliff as intended. We felt horrible, and then learnt the bitter lesson that: On screen there could be supermen with the big S on their chests, but in reality there are really no men with the S on their chest, that possess such macho strength and abilities. Indeed it became clear to us that, Superman was really Christopher Reef, but Christopher Reef was never really Superman (Christopher Reef played the role of Superman, but never really was a superman). POINT: Dont let anybody fool you, there are no supermen anywhere, there are only ordinary men who had done super things, common men who had played uncommon super roles...and the truth is, if they could, you too can- remember nobody has two heads. And besides being exceptional does not mean you must do extra-odinary things, it simply means you must do ordinary things exceptionally well. Do have a great day. ....[FastTrack Consulting]....
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 09:27:01 +0000

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