I remember early on when I first started getting gigs I - TopicsExpress


I remember early on when I first started getting gigs I experienced some real shit. This kind of thing doesnt really happen anymore but from what I heard at one time it was a common occurrence. Simply put, Id be playing with my band and more experienced players would come in and either vibe me by sitting close to the bandstand and talk loudly about the personnel and our playing or un-invited they would proceed to take their horns out and cut me. Roy Hargrove was infamous for doing this to me. I remembered one time he and Ron Blake came by a gig I was playing at Smalls and he walked all over me. Shit, there wasnt anything I could do to stop him. I was still earning my stripes and he was like a general. Hey, Im a guy who puts the music before my ego. If I didnt it wouldve resulted in violence...and thats not my nature anyway. I love music and respect those practitioners of it that have acquired a clear level of mastery. With that being said, I just sucked it in and took my lesson. For a long time whenever he would show up I was nervous that he would musically whip on me again. It took some time but that stopped happening. I dont know if he got tired of using me as a punching bag or if he just got too busy to take the time to do so. I remember this other time I had a trio gig with Dwayne Burno and Dion Parson at Barnard college and Ron Blake had just moved to town. Ron dropped by the gig and Dion introduced us and asked if he could sit in. Well, from the first note he played it was his gig. He was so far ahead of my development that there was nothing I could do but concede. I learned a lot in both instances. I remember another time I was playing a gig and Papa Lou came by and practically sat on stage making sure I could see and hear him. Those that know Lou know that he doesnt hold any punches. Well it took every bit of courage I had to make it through that gig. When I reflect on those and the current times I feel like that is whats missing. And so I have vowed to bring that back. Some may be opposed to the notion but I feel this is one aspect that will elevate the music and have the cream rise to the top. Not only in the sense of one player rising victoriously over the other but an individual player playing at his best all the time. There are no throw away gigs. And to those that have risen its time to stop phoning it in, so to speak. Know that there are hungry individuals that are ready waiting for the opportunity to get at you. No one is safe. And another thing, success in this industry should not (only) be granted to those who dress outlandishly, speak in riddles, personally know the record company exec but more based on the age old question, can you play your instrument? Hey, Im not knocking anyones success but a part of it should be about the craft and not just the fluff. Those that know me know that when I step on stage I like to dress but that is no substitution and should not be misconstrued as me not doing my due diligence. With that being said, know that if Im at your gig that I want to hit. And if given the opportunity Im going to take you out. Dont sleep on me or anybody for that matter because I have some students that are pretty vicious. You heard a few weeks ago one of them calling me out... He was very clear of his intentions. For those that want to get at me you know where to reach me. Ill make it easy, myronwalden@me.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 17:16:52 +0000

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