I remember from Psych 101 that the perversion of the human spirit - TopicsExpress


I remember from Psych 101 that the perversion of the human spirit to rage and enduring hatred is not done easily. An hopelessly overpowering abuser must forge them like two cuff for the one violated. The powerful abuser must express delusions of virtuous self aggrandizement, and paradoxically use power to devalue, dehumanize, violate human dignity, dismiss, ignore all yells of suffering. The hopelessly overpowering abuser must impose these things on their hopelessly weak victim, over and over again, across an extended period of time, and must be entirely unrepentant. Or if apologies are made they must be feigned, as public show the only. False statements of concern must change nothing, and be followed by continuing dehumanization. Even better by new types of unrepentant degradation. And the icing on the cake when twisting the natural human personality toward rage and hatred, is if the violator blames the victim as corrupt and in need of the violators discipline, and any negative expression or reaction of the victim is used as proof of the victims incapacity to reason or self govern. Oops no that was Abnormal Psych 205 I think. I guess when these CIA Patriots used torture to fight fire with fire, they either A) forgot 2nd year undergrad, or B) Were intent on perverting the natural personalities of their victims to rage and enduring hatred. Bbbbuuut why dont they want to play trombone in our 4th of July Gun Show? All we ever wanted was to help others, insure peace, and sacrifice selflessly in our loving virtue. Hmmmm. Delusion or just another Sauza march?
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 08:49:46 +0000

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