I remember once upon a time, before Africans downgraded their - TopicsExpress


I remember once upon a time, before Africans downgraded their entitlements to an enslaved term nigger, we were actually known as Nubian (we still are) within the ancient times of Egypt in Africa. Js.... Before countries settled within Christianity, God as we call Him now, was known as Amos. We all know of the riches we were robbed of within our African roots when we were overpowered by Europeans (I hope you know that). Though, despite the rituals and wealth, I had not known wed consume so much self hatred towards one another over the decades and centuries. What exactly do African Americans stand for besides Turn Ups, dance movements, and idiotic corrupted rap culture? Far from ghetto in those times. Trust, racism was created for a HUGE purpose, mostly jealousy and greed before the manipulation and slavery over seas took place. Why do you think they enslaved of AWAY from our roots? We damn populated majority of the world in power before Europe. Today, I havent heard of any African Americans working for the oil plantations, owning land we slaved over, nor own any of wealth incorporates of mini manufacturers we embrace and spend our money on daily. We dont have to fight and cause bloodshed over it, so why not inherent the lifestyle we lavished in. Dont pull that Godly mess on me, its also blasphemy to settle for less power that you were blessed with before it was manipulated. Actually PAY ATTENTION to the damn bible of who Jesus was of both biblical and historical facts before you were manipulated by the idiotic controversial hearsay.... Dont settle for a slang term that almost every other ethnicity is idiotically using today. How do you breathe if you dont know who you are? So blinded to how powerful we are. Unity. UNITY. Smh -_- #AfroMericanFacts
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 17:58:38 +0000

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