I remember this exact day 45 years ago like it was yesterday . . . - TopicsExpress


I remember this exact day 45 years ago like it was yesterday . . . It was July 20th 1969 & it was the most momentous day in the history of Mankind . . . The day man landed on the moon! . . . I was 9 years old & the entire world was on the edge of its seat waiting for astronaut Neil Armstrong to utter those famous words that are now etched in history . . . Thats one small step for man . . . & one giant leap for Mankind . . . Way back in 69 I lived in the (then) tiny seaside village of Shellharbour in NSW & being such a special day in history we all had a day off school. I thought it was Christmas coz half my class had been designated to come to my house (accompanied by our teacher) & my gorgeous mum, Margaret, was all prepared for the onslaught of all these kids . . . I STILL remember mum making trays & trays of chocolate crackles the night before . . . It was exciting having half my class coming to visit my home! Ill never forget the moment as long as I live, all us kids were outside running around & playing in our enormous backyard when mum suddenly came out on to the back verandah & yelled out for us all to hurry inside as man was about to land on the moon!! She was SO excited! We all shuffled into our tiny lounge room & squeezed in around our (now ancient) black & white Pye television & as history unfolded before our very eyes, Ill never forget my mum & my teacher, Mrs Christophers, crying & hugging as Neil set foot upon the moon . . . I can also clearly remember mum (who was 30 years old!) wearing an apron as she was continually using it to wipe the tears from her eyes! Us kids thought it was mad to see our teacher crying too! Funny how you remember such things isnt it? Do you remember this day too Julianne Bartlett? Coz you were right there in my lounge room with me on this very day all those years ago honey!! Who else is old enough to remember this historic day & to even remember where they & where they watched this huge world event unfold?? Id love to hear your story!! Enjoy a super Sunday guys!! xx
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 20:49:26 +0000

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