I remember this particular day while still at the university. A - TopicsExpress


I remember this particular day while still at the university. A certain friend, Rash had a test the next morning that he desperately needed to study for. He decided to take a Short nap at about 7pm and so he begged his roommate to please wake him a bit later to read. By like 11pm, the responsible roommate went over to his bed, tapped him repeatedly, and said Guy, wake up!! you no go read for your test? and all Rash could say while covering himself with his duvet and adjusting to a better position was NO WORRY, I GO FAIL AM. Well, as highly expected, he failed the test as well as the exam eventually. Hilarious as it may seem, it is rather unfortunate that on a wider scope, many of us even till this day are often plagued by the same trait of irresponsibility. On a whim, we risk our future by damming whatever the consequences are just for the moments pleasure. We dwell mostly on instant gratification. The A bird in hand cannot fly mentality. The repercussions of such actions are more often than not, never worth it. We shouldnt allow ourselves to be fooled or carried away by the tomorrow will take care of itself notion. Tomorrow is only the outcome of however way we take care of today.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 09:16:33 +0000

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