I remember when 40 was old -- now its just old and lonely.....my - TopicsExpress


I remember when 40 was old -- now its just old and lonely.....my wild days are a far in the distance, and I do my best to follow the paths that God sets before me, and while its been beyond rough lately, I do what I can to endure - Everyone has a sad story to tell, but I know that my story will end in heaven one day, and thats about the only thing that keeps my head up - Ive received many blessings, and I count them daily. Like everyone else, I sin daily, without direct intent, as the Bible says that we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God, which is why we must accept Christ -- with that, I put on a happy face and try to make it over the next hurdle. There are so many people I have to thank for helping me along on that journey, but theres way too many to list -- you should know who you are -- Guys Like Devon Domain, Tim Thomason, Dale Robble Jason Ford, Lex Victory Lee Victory , Terry Biles Tommy Heggie (for bailing me out of every computer glitch and then some) Amy Biggs Nelson, my immediate family (dont get me started on many of the other ones) -- but my immediate family, I dont know what Id do with out all of you, and so many others -- I dont know what Id do without you all, your support, your ears to listen or shoulders to lean on -- I never imagined that Id be where I am, I actually never thought Id live to see forty years old quite frankly, and God knows, Ive done many-a-thing to try and make sure that I didnt -- but yet, here I am, so that lets me know God has a plan for me -- Sure wish I could understand what that plan is, but I suppose Ill discover that in due time, in HIS time since God doesnt operate on our time. -- Some days I miss having that soul-mate-connections Ive had but once in my life, other days Im happy being single when I see what others have to put up with === but somewhere out there, theres a pretty smile that God will direct me to, and if he doesnt, then I have awesome memories of the one I let slip away so many years ago. Most men look at a womans physical body, Im more concerned about her inner soul -- Always been a sucker for a pretty smile though, and Ill admit, Ive seen a few. But again, in Gods time Ill discover what path Im supposed to take from here as I stand at a Literal Crossroad in my life today -- between happiness and tears, worries and fears, wishing Id get hit by a bus one one hand and thankful for every moment and blessing God allows me at the same time (yes, I realize that makes no sense, just is what it is -- not seeking pity), stuck between shyness as Rod and Loud-mouthed as Hot Rod -- at least theres a distinction between them now ... lol -- there was a time wwhen there was no such distinction --- So Ill end my ramblings -- Love you all, and may God Bless you. #onelove
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 21:48:54 +0000

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