I remember when Dylan was diagnosed everything was a battle, to - TopicsExpress


I remember when Dylan was diagnosed everything was a battle, to say the least! Whenever he had to have his port poked with a 3inch needle my heart would break from the screaming and crying. I remember the nurses telling me it would eventually get a little easier. I remember thinking no way. I also remember the hours and hours and hours we begged and pleaded with him to swallow his pills. The pills that would keep him alive but he would not take for anything. I also remember those nurses telling me that too would get easier. Again thinking have you met my kid, no way!! Throughout this journey with Dylan Ive had these moments when I literally am overwhelmed and feel like my heart is going to explode with pride and I usually cry like the emotional mom I am. Today that happened twice! The picture below is real time when he was poked with the 3inch needle. Not even a flinch. Nothing but pure bravery. It wasnt a big deal to him but it was a huge deal to me!! Then while I rushed to give him his dose of Steroid pills- I am embarrassed to say I gave him his 2 pills and water..... Then he says in his sweet 7 year old voice Mom arent my steroid pills pink, these arent pink WOW!!! For the 1st time in 16 months I had the wrong pill and HE caught it! This kid....He. Is. AMAZING!!!!!!!! Right after that my phone rings, its the clinic where we just were.... My heart sank. They never ever ever call. It was the oncologist. She called to tell me his labs looked great and to have a happy New Years! This mama is beyond happy and grateful!! We are going to get increase his strength from 100% to 125% because... Well hes amazing and he can handle it! Thank you for the prayers! We felt them today!! Happy New Years!! 2015 WILL be the best year yet!!!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 22:01:03 +0000

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