I remember when I thought anarchy was cool. WHEN I WAS IN HIGH - TopicsExpress


I remember when I thought anarchy was cool. WHEN I WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL I recently encountered this statement. So, Id like to take a second to decimate it. So, in high school, you opposed the initiation of violence on to peaceful people. But somewhere in between, you joined the military and were brainwashed into killing people for your government. If not, Id love to know where you got the notion that it is acceptable to initiate violence against people who do not threaten you, because that is the essence of anarchism. That is the essence of liberty. The golden rule: Do unto others as you wish done unto you. Why is this so hard? Why does this seem juvenile? Isnt this something your parents taught you? My Dad spanked me once because while we were flying a kite in a field, he said, There may be snakes in there. Dont run through it, and I ran through it. I was 3. I remember this entirely. That is the one and only time my father hit me. Fast forward to when I was with my mother, and I got spanked for everything because the family was psychopathic Christian faggots. Choose between the belt or pick a switch that we will beat you with, was the barbaric sentiment. Yeah, thats why all you faggots still live in trailers. :) Merry Christmas and cheers to everyone who hates their families.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 14:28:20 +0000

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