I remember when I was a Kid in my Dads (Pete Kohout) backyard. I - TopicsExpress


I remember when I was a Kid in my Dads (Pete Kohout) backyard. I saw him (one of my greatest heros) hit a fly on our storage shed with my BB gun at about 20 yards. I was very impressed, and I still have that image vividly etched into my mind from so many years ago. I think thats where my obsession with accuracy in marksmanship began. Many of you know that I was a United States Marine. Now, there is an old saying, every Marine is a rifleman. And it is so. No other branch of the united states military invests so much time in marksmanship training and at great ranges as the United States Marine Corps. Throughout my career I was qualified as an expert rifleman (highest score) 5 times with no gaps in between. as a result I was selected by my unit superiors for squad designated marksman training and placed into that duty over seas. I was and am very accurate. But it has to be said, and without reservation that I have missed, not scored a perfect bulls eye. In fact even multi-million dollar big league baseball hitter are considered to be an expert if they hit 300 (thats 300 out of 1000 pitches). In fact even amongst the experts that were my pears in the military, I never found anyone that never missed at some time. But I have found two things that were and are 100% accurate. That is the Pre made prophecies that the Holy Bible preserve that were made hundreds and some times thousands of years before they came to pass, exactly as they were written and in stunning detail. And the 100% perfectly sinless life my savior lived and gave a sacrifice to save me and all that would believe. The accuracy of the Bible prophecies that were fulfilled with 100% accuracy is one of the single greatest testimonies to the divine (Gods) authorship of the Holy Bible. It simply had to have been inspired by someone that operated outside of time as we know it. And I hope you will take some time, to look into these fascinating facts and see for yourself why I say as an imperfect expert in accuracy, that the Bible is the 100% accurate, perfectly preserved, divinely inspired word of God. and That Jesus is proof positive, the only begotten Son of the Most High God, and the only way for the salvation of mankind.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 15:58:16 +0000

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