I remember when I was young, I always wanted to go work with dad. - TopicsExpress


I remember when I was young, I always wanted to go work with dad. Everyday, I would always get ready and put my little boots on and go into his room while he was getting ready. Then wed go to McDonalds and get a sausage biscuit and me and him were ready for the day to deliver gas to people and they always talked to dad forever. Later on, me and him would be in the floor and wed wrestle and hed let me win cause I was his little champ. He gave me self confidence and wanted me to do sports so bad cause he said I was born to be an athlete. So he got me playing baseball, basketball and soccer. He was so proud of me at baseball, cause I was the power hitter, the catcher, the pitcher and the 3rd baseman. Every game win or loss, he would tell me how proud of me he was, and he told me I had true potential at becoming pro and he always called me Albert puljos. Then at soccer I was the best goalie to be. He always offered me rewards if I blocked all shots of the game. Then for basketball he had me running and shooting all the time. Cause he was trying his best to find the right thing for me that made me happy and make me more successful. Thats all he ever wanted me to be. Successful and happy. When I joined band, he was proud to know I could play music and enjoyed that as well. When I got on the tenor/quad drums he thought they were so cool and loved listening to me play. He then told me, son, I love you, you make me so proud at everything you do. Youre so skilled and talented. Please never give up what you do that makes you happy. He also worked so hard to get me a mustang. When he first asked what type of car I wanted I was joking around and I said a mustang. He was like, a mustang? You cant get a brand new mustang. I told I didnt even want a brand new one. Whatever one he could afford. The next day he found this 02 GT that he wanted to get me so bad. But it was an automatic and he wanted me to learn manual cause he said itd be more fun and just incase I ever needed to know how to drive manual. Then he told me he might get me a new one so we can turn the one I have now into a drag car. He wanted to to teach me about cars as much as he could but then he got sick so he had to hold off on showing me. And tonight, I lost the most wonderful man that has ever been there for me. Tonight. The best father to ever live. I love that man more than anything. I wish I had more time with him, cause Im only 19. But I couldnt be selfish. He told me to never let him suffer. So we did what he asked. Tonight hes no longer suffering and hes now in heaven with my amazing granny and grandpa duff and grandma pearl and aunt Alicia. I cant wait till I get to see that man again and tell him I love him again. For now, Im going to grieve and mourn. And remember the amazing times I had with him. I love you dad. Youre so amazing at everything you did. You worked yourself so hard. You did so much for us. I cant express how much I miss you already. Rest In Peace Dad. Side note, Im getting a tattoo for dad. I will post pictures later for the choices. Now I just need the money for it. Roughly 150-250z. Its an amazing tattoo for day. Also, one day Im turning my car into a drag car with a memorial for dad on the back. I love and miss you dad.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 05:49:05 +0000

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