I remembered a story today from long ago yet I feel it might bring - TopicsExpress


I remembered a story today from long ago yet I feel it might bring some meaning to the severe Moment of struggle we face at this Time. I was about 7-8 years old.. I was born and lived in Miami, Florida. My parents were hard working,law abiding immigrants from Brasil.Both arriving here in the mid sixties--my Poppa to complete his studies at the University of Miami and my Mama as his young wife.My Mama had left all she had behind in her hometown,including her private Dentistry practice. She was exemplary in her field and had graduated Third in her Class with Honors,at the University. Yet,none of her degrees were accepted or valid in the United States. She had to return to school to become certified all over again even after her many years of experience as a Dentist. For this reason, and because of deep financial struggles, she never did go back to school--and spent the next 35 years of her life as a Dental assistant,seamstress and office manager to make ends meet.She slowly lost her enthusiasm and determination to reclaim her Profession nor her self esteem as an amazing professional at her field. I remember hearing her telling stories of how the dentists she worked for would acknowledge her brilliance and many times, stop and ask for her opinion about a difficult case,knowing she had MUCH more knowledge and experience than they did.But still,she never felt respected enough to take on the monumental task of returning to school and pressed on with the many jobs she completed with dedication and Honor. One thing I knew well, was that my Mama was an exceptional seamstress, sewing anything and making the most beautiful creations. She had acquired a small part time job at a Chic boutique nearby our House and made alterations for them on her time off. She had just finished one and asked if I wished to accompany her to the boutique with her since she knew I would love looking at all the nice clothes and jewelry sold there. We walked happily holding hands..singing and reached the shop.The owner, a tall and slender White woman with a beautiful Long dress,came to greet us at the door. I was amazed at how bright it was and how good the boutique smelled. As my Mama took the clothes out of her bag, I noticed the woman frown. And I saw the look of surprise on my Mamas face. OH!!! YOU FOOLISH IDIOT!!! THIS is ALL wrong!!! Dont You people know how to do ANYTHING right?? She shouted at my Mamas lowered head... I looked at her horrified. And I clutched onto her arm...getting as close as possible to her body. The Blonde woman towered over us--since my Mama was a slight Woman--only 5 feet tall. I am so sorry ,Ma am...I was sure that you had asked me to alter it exactly this way.Please--You do not have to pay me for my work. I will reimburse you for your loss. my Mama said to her.I stared at this woman and the two other sales ladies who just stood looking on... expressionless. Suddenly, as I looked at my Mamas flushed expression, her usually bright eyes glazed over with sadness looking down at the ground, and her lips pressed together.... SOMETHING came over me. I felt SO MUCH anger!!!!!! How DARE this woman treat my Mama this way? So I Raised my Face...actually raising my nose straight UP into the air... I squinted my eyes and began breathing deep and Angrily..and I STARED into her Face with Fire.I spoke to her..to her Mind and to her Cold Heart..and I showed her that what she was doing WAS NOT acceptable!! The tall woman looked at me with a smug look and huffed...turned around and went to the back of the store. I could still hear her ranting.. What an Idiot, I tell you! You cant trust these people for a minute! They are ALL Uneducated Fools!!I should have known better than to give such expensive clothing to some BLACK SPICK!! She just ruined my $150 dollar pants! Try to help them and this is the Thanks you get in return! She stomped over to my Mama and threw the money on the counter. Here you go, I will overlook this mess and pay you anyways. Get your girl an Ice Cream or something.. She said to Us. My Mama took a Deep Breath... I stared at this woman a bit more...until I could feel my face Hot and my Body light....grabbed my Mamas hand and we slowly turned around. She looked into my eyes with immense Love and We walked out of that Store..leaving the money behind exactly where the Tall woman had thrown it.She could have it..We had no need for it anymore..... We both walked home in silence... My Mama slowly lifted her head back up..until she took a DEEP Breath in..kissed my cheek and said.. I am so sorry,Baby--You had to see that... Know that in Life.. some people do not know what they say or do. They are blinded by Hatred. Always walk with Strength..Heart and Spirit... Remember that, minha Filha... Life wont always be easy but Truth will ALWAYS be present and by your side..NO MATTER what..if YOU Walk in Truth!! At that Moment, my anger dissipated, we held our hands TIGHT and we started singing once again.... for that is the Essence of Life.... Why do I tell you this Story of my Life? With all that happens, especially in this country and around the world concerning Race relations---We must realize that it is a Time for Change..ALL people of color suffer greatly in varying degrees and realities. IT IS REAL...and IT IS PAINFUL!!!!!!!!! If there is no change at this Time.. there will be NO Peace for any of Us. So Be aware..be Patient.. Be Understanding and Be Truth.. WALK IN TRUTH.... It is TIME...SO BE IT!! ASE
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 00:01:39 +0000

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