I repeated a story last night to a friend that I now find to be - TopicsExpress


I repeated a story last night to a friend that I now find to be false, or, at least not able to prove at this time. When I was told this story by someone who seemed to be legitimate, and the story told did fit the reality of other situations, I was inclined to believe it. Then, common sense was pointed out to me by my friend last night and this forced me to do some research on the matter. I find, now, that the details are completely bogus as there is not one shred of factual evidence out there to support the claim and key points of the story. Honestly, that doesnt mean the story is a fabrication. It only means there are, as yet, no corroborating facts to support the argument. Without the facts, however, I am inclined to be thankful of the person who recited common sense to me last night and I thank him for that, very much. I have been guilty in the past of sharing stories on the book of face that seem to come from reliable news sources. When I have found out after the fact that the web site was a satirical site I deleted the post. I have seen these kinds of postings increase lately. I am not saying that I, or others, are purposefully trying to deceive at all. What I am saying is that there are tons of satirical web sites that appear to be responsible, professional, and reliable sources of truthful stories but arent. I have adopted a new reaction when I see any web site I dont recognize or question in the slightest that I will go to their About tab on the article page and read every word. As soon as I see the word satire or any other indication that it is a total farce or purposefully delusional I wont share the story and will tell the person who shared it what I found out by researching the web page. Moreover, some reliable pages have been started by former liberal media ranking members. Such as Fact Check . Org which was started by a former CNN executive and CNN is still putting anchors on T.V. who put their hands up saying Dont Shoot in reference to the fatal shooting of a teen in Ferguson, MO and we all know that didnt factually happen but CNN and other liberal outlets continue the lies. I barely trust FoxNews anymore, to be honest, and dont trust any liberal media outlet whatsoever. I only trust those facts that can be corroborated by material witnesses, the historical record, and fellow conservatives in media and you, my friends list PATRIOTS!!! :)
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 22:17:23 +0000

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