I respect the Hagee Ministry and do not question the sincerity of - TopicsExpress


I respect the Hagee Ministry and do not question the sincerity of their motives or faith, they would not be the first sincere and faithful Christians that got over-zealous with prophecy, but the Blood Moons are full of holes and seem to be conjecture of overzealous men, however faithful, and not revelation from God in Holy Spirit. It is a certainty that based on the Bibles teachings and prophecies we are in the Last days of Adams offspring (1 Corinthians 15:45-47), and the War of Armageddon is imminent (Revelation 16:12-16), so imminent that it may even coincide with some date related to the Blood Moons Theory, but once analyzed the Blood Moons Prophecy has the fatal flaw of all false or misguided prophecies not directed from God, and that is that it goes beyond what is written (1 Corinthians 4:6). What the Prophecies of Joel, Revelation, and The Gospels regarding the Sun being Darkened, the Moon Turning to Blood, and the Stars falling from the skies refer to are not Astronomical events, but events happening in the Spiritual realm of Divine Judgments and activity that directly affect human events, activity, and experience in our physical earthly realm (Compare Hebrews 9:28; 2 Peter 1:19). Take for instance a very clearly defined prophetic earthly event that correlated specifically with a prophetic heavenly event because what happened here on earth in relation to Gods Kingdom was necessary for the fulfillment of the heavenly spiritual event. I am talking about the correlation between The end of Daily Sacrifice at the Temple in Jerusalem of the Ancient Jewish Sacerdotal Religion under Covenant with God from the Days of Moses and the Roman Legions first encircling Jerusalem in the year 66-1/2 A.D, then withdrawing for 3-1/2 years, and then returning in the year 70 and sacking Jerusalem, killing a million people, destroying the Temple down to rubble, and destroying all of the Nation of Israels Tribal Ancestry Records, which technically destroyed or ended the Jews ability to render their daily sacrifice under Jewish Law. This earthly prophetic event specifically correlates with the enthronement of The Messiah in Heaven, the beginning of the First Resurrection, which begins to transfer a new Royal Priesthood to Heaven, starts a New Covenant between God and The Israel of God, which are a mix of remnant natural and proselytized Jews and gentile converts into this new covenant through faith in the Messiah and the Expulsion from Heaven of Satan the Devil and All of his minion angels. This prophecy described above with events happening correlated to each other in the invisible to human eyeballs Heavenly Spiritual Realm and the visible to human eyeballs Earthly Physical Realm is covered specifically, with very accurate dating encoded, in Daniel 9:17-27, Luke 21:20-28, and Revelation 11:11-12:13, supported and clarified from a historical and Chronological perspective by reading, researching, understanding the Biblical books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Jeremiah, and the Gospel of Luke specifically, and further aided by reading, researching, understanding the books of Joel, Acts, and Revelation 8:1-11:10 under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately the Blood Moons Prophecy has too many places where it lapses and is arbitrarily correlated to Bible Prophecies like the Attack of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel, which as Christians, from a Biblical Perspective we have the Apostle Johns Revelation telling us that prophetic event does not happen until a thousand years after Christs Rapture of His Chosen during the Great Tribulation (Revelation 20:4-10). If you read this Blog you know it is not used to attack the doctrinal or prophetic integrity of any ministry. We believe that in most cases doctrinal and prophetic differences are secondary or even tertiary in importance to the Statement of Faith detailed here: https://facebook/universalmonks/info?ref=page_internal, but when any prophetic claim is made by any servant of the Lord it is a Serious thing because a claim to Prophecy is literally a claim to knowing what God has Specifically said he will be doing or directing and often involves the life and livelihood and reputation of The Lord Jesus himself and The Word of God. We are no longer under the old covenant law, but under the Grace of the New Covenant, but the matter is serious in spiritual terms and can ruin that ministry and believers faith (Matthew 12:29-37; Luke 17:1-4; Deuteronomy 13:1-5; 18:20-22). We pray for The Hagee Ministry and others Professing an affinity to this Blood Moon fiasco and that their sins may be Forgiven in the name of Jesus (1 John 5:16-17). This video speaks accurately regarding the problems with the Blood Moons. Please view: youtu.be/--kA2-5z2zI
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 22:14:28 +0000

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