I respectfully disagreed s I came to USA in 1974 and been - TopicsExpress


I respectfully disagreed s I came to USA in 1974 and been productive.You and your parents and great grand parents didnt have any documents but Indian Native welcomed you here,and this is what I have learned it here on this Facebook as I never had chance to go to school or college in USA.Why I came to USA/ To make Amy American dream like others but I found out that American dream has been stolen for now 50 years or more. Further I read on this Facebook that these white citizens have harmed America and the rest of the world,let face the reality now as it is already too late. We are citizens but it has no value but a piece of a fake paper. I never have seen any blacks ,Hispanics,Latinos Chinese Americans,Even Russian Americans or Indian Americans made any harms to USA but the only white American did the horrible harms to mother America and the rest of the world. This is nothing but a Racism and not real issue. The real issues are here being neglected,ignored and the people being misled by such a intelligent man like Blaine Cooper and others. Go to Israel and you will find that Israel has been bringing their jewish people from all the nations,no matter what are the allegations on Israelis are. Why just dont pull the attention over the secret agencies around the world who has been destroying this world? President Kennedy die in vein? As His message got worthless,and President kennedy wasnt even allowed to publish it? What kind of people were then who were here? There is in news all over the world that Israel is running or ruling the USA,really? So Kennedy is wrong,so American people who never wanted any war are also wrong?So two party ruling is right? If I had that knowledge,I can sure defeat you but I regret,I am a student and still learning from people like you and others. Personally,I am not disrespecting you but I disagree with your statement as Immigrants had built this country,and you really blaming the wrong guy,as why these Latinos or Hispanics coming to USA? Who are hiring them? Blacks,Native Americans,Chinese Americans?Indian Americans? I been driving to construction sites,seen nothing but Latinos or hispanics since 1980. Why those white Business men never been prosecuted first? Why US dollar is only 33 cents and now Russians are backing up there currency with Gold and China is going everywhere to make good relationship and investing to help out those nations,then why USA never had helped build South America? Why yes to China and no to Cuba? Why US foreign Policy is to create wars and American people dont want any wars and why american cannot stop it,neither you have done anything for it and never had wrote about it,and you are very intelligent man to qualify to run any public office you want to. There are 159 million Americans on this Facebook,and I sure want someone like you to run for the President,if you qualify by and those two party let you run for it. And 149 Americans are qualified to vote but after voting,still worthless as secret power will rule over President and law makers as always and so there is no solution to this? This is the main issue and this should be the priority . I wrote to many of my American fb friends to run for US President but no answer? Why?Every one is in fear, I see no response from American people on Political issues but this? I mean you have learned it a lot from your parents and teachers and you sure can help USA but you are not willing to share your posting with our group,I stole you by following you and I had requested to be my fb friend but you ignored it ,then accept someone from my fb friends you like,they all are goo fb activist and writer. I thank you with all respects and honours.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 05:02:14 +0000

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