I retired from full time work in Church. I started in ministry of - TopicsExpress


I retired from full time work in Church. I started in ministry of music and media in 1967. I was ordained by the Evangelical Church Alliance in Wheaton Ill. in 1968. I have been immersed in church life and for many years also in professional local and international music. My website lists many of my musical gigs. Its about two years since I retired from my Church as Media Minister. Since then I have spent time working with my Trumpet business, and watching much more TV than ever before. My heart grows so sad when I see what has become of popular media and entertainment. To be honest I find it filthy, humanistic, anti-religion, anti-family, and more. If you are still with me here you probably agree that people have changed around us and many lost the way, and that doesnt shine a very good light on Christian testimony. We now are facing a world that is neither Brave nor New. I love people - all kinds of people. I love gabbing about family, music, trumpet, children, grandchildren, and more. I now realize that the heavy mood around me is the realization that mankind is so far lost - so involved in self, so caught up in business, money, fun, stimulation and Godless self fulfillment. Today Miss Eileen is with my grandchildren and I literally weep when I think of the world they are growing up in.They will be bombarded by evil in a way that my generation never knew. I have decided to stop watching the filth on the tube and the web and start filling my heart with the goodness of God. The beauty of the earth, my children and grandchildren and the people that have the joy of Jesus in and on their faces. I am not a prisoner of this world! I am a Child of God. A God of Hope, Love, Care, Kindness, Goodness, Mercy, and Salvation for all who would believe on and put their trust in Him, the Creator of all there is. I dont need a Fancy Dancy Advertising - PR firm to tell me how to grow the Church. I am the Church. We are the Church. We are Jesus to our families, our neighborhoods and our work associates. I will treat everyone I meet with love, joy, and care. I will not condemn, beat down, talk behind the backs of those that dont understand the love of God. I will just be Jesus to them. So for me - I can do what I am called to do - go into the world and be the Gospel, the truth, be Jesus - be the Light. Will you join me?
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 21:48:28 +0000

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