I said Id hold back from doing a small year in review and tried to - TopicsExpress


I said Id hold back from doing a small year in review and tried to settle on the pics that facebook has so graciously pulled, sharing my Greatest moments of 2014, but I just feel that those photos, just dont quite capture how amazing this year has been, so I said Id write a short article on how amazing it actually was, so here I go. I started 2014 at rock bottom. Thoughts of depression, suicide, uselessness, vulnerability & even jealousy plagued my every day thoughts, feeling like I was inferior to all my friends. These feelings had been gaining momentum where I just literally crashed one day, not speaking words for days on end, and when I did, it was mostly taking pity on myself, attempting to be somebody I wanted to be, but was unable to portray, as it was a negative cloud that followed me and influenced every little thing I did. These feelings, however, through what I still see as a blessing, a gift, were all washed away in March when I was offered a job with an international company, one I do not even applying for to this day. I got the call, We want you to join our team, youre hired, congratulations. I was breathless, all I could muster was an Oh...Really? Thank you. And it was left at that. I hung up the phone and broke down. Years of depression, washed away, because finally, something good had happened. 8 Months later I am still at PayPal, very happy with the opportunity for a career. During that time, as I was no longer depressed, and could be talked to, I was invited out by people who I had no contact with whatsoever. I was wanted. This was a huge moment for me, as I was always the one being bullied, getting rejected from groups. But these people, my friends, accepted me. With that, I evolved, my social skills, while still butt, are improving. I was getting the chance & learning to be the person Ive wanted to be my entire life, and its still an incredible feeling learning to be this person. This would not be possible without a very specific group of friends, who I quite literally owe my life to. I have no idea where I would be if I was not offered the amazing opportunities I was given in 2014, and while some may be glad to see the back of 2014 go, 2014 is a year that I will remember and reminisce about for many years to come. I love each and every one of you, and this is an explanation, and a sincere-as-can-be THANK YOU to everyone who made this year amazing for me, personally. I look forward to sharing more moments with you all in 2015, and please God, years to come. Thank you so much.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:19:59 +0000

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