I said in my first post yesterday that the human found those pics - TopicsExpress


I said in my first post yesterday that the human found those pics the cutest ones of me and Herman together so far. Today she made one that according to her is at least just as cute, or maybe even cuter. I was already napping when Herman joined me in the hammock, and when he snuggled close to me, I wrapped my paw around him. Like a true big brother, says the human. We learned something new about Herman just now. Hes afraid of thunderstorms. He was nicely snuggling on the humans lap when the lightning woke him up and scared him a little. But then the thunder came, and Herman jumped off the lap and hid somewhere. Poor thing... I dont care about the lightning and I didnt even hear the thunder! (Not hearing very well does have its advantages. ;-) ) The weather is getting worse. The wind is blowing really hard, the rain is off and on really heavy too and now we have a thunderstorm too. The human made some last minute adjustment to Jinxs apartment to make sure the sheds door cant be blown open by the wind. Jinx was in there when she did it, so then she went inside for a while too and petted him and gave him treats. Sorry, but again she didnt have her phone with her then, so I dont have any new pics of Jinx today. Ill remind her to take her phone with her when she either goes to pick up his food bowl, or bring him breakfast in bed again tomorrow. I had an ok day again. Not purrfect yet, but getting closer. I napped on the humans lap, next to her on the couch, alone in the hammock, together with Herman in the hammock, alone on the soft pillow in the cat room and together with Herman on the soft pillow in the cat room. Herman actually had the human to himself for a while, cause at a given moment when I was napping in the cat room, Dushi came and took a nap on the big black pillow there. I guess she fled from Herman. But we did well. We napped maybe 3 feet apart from each other and the human did not hear any hissing or growling. Wow! The human doesnt like the fact that I now take many naps in the cat room. She prefers me with her in the living room. Sometimes she wonders if I retreat there cause Im still not feeling well, but I just love that soft pillow. I lay on it before too sometimes, when it still lay on the floor, but now that its on the dog crate, in front of the window, I like it even more! Dushi did meow a lot again today. I could feel the human getting a little grumpy from it. Dushi seems to think that now that she does get to go outside again, she gets to go every day again. Not! I dont understand why she even wanted to today. I could see how bad the weather was outside, so so could she. I just hope she used up all of her meows for today and will be quiet tonight. The human is trying to get me back to eating my own kibbles again, and nothing but my own kibbles. But I like Hermans kibbles so much... When I dont get those, I first act like I dont wanna eat at all, but when that doesnt work, I go for the mix of Hermans and my own kibbles. But the human says shes not gonna mix them again if the mix we have now is gone, and theres not that much left... After I finished this post, were all gonna get wet food again and for me this will be the last time the human will put the pain med in it.. First she thought she wouldnt anymore today, but she decided to give it one more time. I guess after today I can do without the meds, but does that mean we wont get wet food every evening anymore too?! And thats really all I had to tell about today. We didnt do much and I now told you everything we did do. And Im ready for some wet food, so Im gonna leave it at this for now. I wish you all a great day and to those friends who live in western Europe I say Stay safe, dry and warm inside till the storm is over.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 19:41:42 +0000

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