I saw 2 posts this morning that aggrevated me almost as much as - TopicsExpress


I saw 2 posts this morning that aggrevated me almost as much as Nancy Grace does... The first was from Fox News regarding an 8 year old tomboy attending a christian school. Far be it for me to be a fan of Fox News but when a school sends a 8 year old child home with a letter stating that she must be more girly or leave the school bc her choice of pants over a dress and short hair over long hair disrupt her classmates and everyones overall education, is not christian at all. Its an embarressment to education, its facism, and a true setback to all equal rights movements that have come so far in the past 70 years!!! Im also not a fan of the public education system but thank goodness the grandparents of this child took the liberty of enrolling her in public school after receiving the letter because, they too, do not agree with the schools beliefs and curriculum standards. She is 8 years old. What lessons are you really truly teaching her young mind to be of value? Just sayin.. The next post I read about regards a 17 year old boy being suspended from a NJ high school for flying a Confederate flag on his pickup truck... News flash NJ! The civil war ENDED 150 years ago. Unless this kid had a bunch of black folks tied up in his bed and a KKK gown ridding shotty, get over it! The Confederate flag when flown north of the Mason-Dixon line does not have the same meaning to people as it did 150 years ago. Crap! It doesnt have the same meaning to some folks south of that line these days either... The Confederate flag was created for those states who rebelled against the Constitution due to the majority rule for slavery and taxation. It was a long and horrific war, yes. But, the Confederate flag has since evolved into a modern day symbol for rebellion. Period. So, again.. What are you really teaching young minds and what is the value of this lesson? Adapt & Evolve People... If a flag can do it, so can you! :)
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 13:44:14 +0000

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