I saw Thor the dark world and along with seeing trailers for two - TopicsExpress


I saw Thor the dark world and along with seeing trailers for two upcoming Marvel movies and I feel like DC is still behind Marvel in movies and TV and I wish they would get there act together and create one single live action universe like Marvel has. I have seen all three of this years slate of Marvels movies. In my opinion Thor the dark world is the best. It was a good time at the movie theater and a case of the sequel being better than the original even though I still like the first Thor movie despite some of the criticisms it got. I enjoyed Iron man 3 and in my opinion the original is still my favorite of all three. I would put the wolverine fifth out of the 6 X men movies but overall I thought it was well done and went in a direction different from the previous X men movies that generally worked. I am interested however the Batman/Superman movie turns out but I am way more excited for Marvels more diverse slate coming soon of Captain America the winter soldier, X men days of future past, guardians of the galaxy and the amazing spider-man 2. Also 2015 there is avengers age of Ultron. I am excited for the sequel to Captain America not just because he is one of my favorite but with what I saw in the trailer. I have read some of the Brubaker trade paperbacks of cap that they probably at least partially adapted for the movies script or story so I am excited to see the winter soldier and like what I am seeing so far and like that it appears the movie will have more black widow and SHIELD members such as Nick Fury (probably Colson and Maria Hill) and I am excited to see Falcon. They did change the costume but as the comic book geeks so far I give them a pass because like Green Goblins original Amazing Spider-Man run costume if they were 100% faithful to the source material it could still be hard to do without it looking silly. As for Guardians Thor the dark world does take place on a bigger scale than the original movie so that and other things has me more interested in guardians, Avengers has some tie ins to it as well and if you count the silver surfer and the black alien thing that gives Spider-man the black suite and turns into Venom when it bond with Eddie Brock from Spider-man Marvel has pretty much set the stage for a cosmic outer space comic book movie hopefully that turns out better than green lantern. I also saw a trailer for X men days of future past and I got chills watching it but in a good way. Now unlike other Marvel comic book characters while I know generally X men trivia and details like the original team was Jean Grey, Cyclops, Iceman and a non blue beast I have not read much of the source material other than reading two X men trade paperbacks. So I am mostly familiar through there appearances in other Marvel comic books, graphic novels and trade paperbacks, DKs guide to the X-men, TV (I have watched all of Wolverine and the X men and saw X men evolution when it aired in its original TV run) and the 6 X men movies Fox has released. So while I am excited this will continue the events of X men first class while bringing back people from the original trilogy I could jump for joy over every scene with Patrick Stewart and Ian Mckellen. Since both actors own there characters, have great on screen chemistry together and really are hands down in my opinion stars in the Marvel universe alongside Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, Jackman as Wolverine, Chris Evans as Captain America and Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/Hulk in terms of memorable performance and really being the comic characters they are playing. Also I dont think Eric Bana is completely horrible and I like Edward Nortons one time stint as the character but Ruffalo is by far the best. Also I am excited for an Avengers sequel and Ultron especially since I want to see Brainiac in a Superman movie but looks Marvel will beat them with Ultron who also is an artificial life forms that considers himself superior to Human. The Amazing spider-man could go either way. Electro and the Rhino could be fun to see even though I am not crazy that he is going to be a Russian gangster and sigh green goblin again. Its to darn soon especially when he is basically been in every Spider-man movie so far. Overall even if it does have Batman/Superman in it and even as a fan of both characters in comparison to me thats somewhat underwhelming. Also with a Daredevil who is one of my favorite Marvel characters, Luke Cage, Iron Fist which I have read some trade paperbacks for and believe that has potential and Jessica Jones coming soon alongside agents of SHIELD I have feeling Marvel may come ahead in the TV arena of DC especially if there part of the same universe. DC does have Gotham coming soon and hourman and Constantine in development. While I think they should just go for it and do a show on the whole justice society one of its heroes is better than nothing and if they do make it a supernatural mixed with some horror elements Constantine could work I still see Marvel having more power on the TV front with Agents of shield, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron fist and I guess Jessica Jones. So as still somewhat of a DC comics fan I dream of the day where in terms of TV not counting animation since the have not been lagging behind n that area competing with Marvel and movies they are least trying to compete with Marvel and not just thinking we will put all our poker chips on Batman and Superman because there our most popular, profitable and overall characters with biggest audience and embrace the other residents of the DC universe. I would seriously love to feel how I felt seeing the trailer for X men days of future past for a DC movie or TV show since as far as current DC movies go lately only Watchmen, the dark knight trilogy and man of steel despite some criticisms has fulfilled that. Also there is Arrow and I am a green arrow fan but I have not gotten around to watching it yet and I mam a whole season behinds not counting season 2.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 04:43:21 +0000

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