I saw a WhatsApp status of a friend the other day that I want to - TopicsExpress


I saw a WhatsApp status of a friend the other day that I want to share with you. The rationale is for us to learn something. The status read, I expect nothing out of life; so that I wont be disappointed. Now, I dont know why he/she wrote that post. I dont know what series of events he/she must have gone through that informed the post. I dont know how grievous it could get, when he/she must have expected something, and got disappointed. I dont know how much disappointed he/she got, or what the disappointment must have caused. Lastly, I dont know what he/she expected, and got disappointed. But what I know is that, most of us, consciously or unconsciously, ride on this philosophy, especially when weve gone through a few disappointments here and there. It could be painful having an expectation of someone or something and getting disappointed because your expectations werent met. But come to think of it, everything we do in life; every relationship we have in life, has an element of expectation. We have some expectations of our partners; we expect one thing or the other from our governments; we expect for our businesses to pick up and become profitable; we have expectations of our parents to provide us with our daily needs; we have expectations of our children in one way or the other; we have expectations of our employers to pay us at the end of the month. In essence, our lives are founded on expectations. Even God has expectations of us! The philosophy that, I dont expect anything so that I dont get disappointed in life, is a rather passive, comfortable stance to take in life. Yes, you had expectations in a relationship but the relationship didnt live up to your expectation doesnt mean you coil up and conclude that you will rather live and expected nothing. Or you tried a few things, you had expectations for them to work out, and when they didnt, you conclude that youre better off having no expectations. Heres what I want you to know: Whoever you see today making strides has gone through disappointment upon disappointment. Man will disappoint you. They will promise you heaven and earth but never live up to their promise. That doesnt mean you should take a rather comfortable position in life. In one sentence, LIFE IS FULL OF EXPECTATIONS. And the earlier you brace yourself for it, the better. Rather than having no expectations, it would be wiser to MANAGE your expectations. Rather than expecting something from man whos fickle, put your expectations in God; for He never fails. What have you failed in? Your relationship? Look to the Lord! Your business? Look to the Lord. In your role as a parents? Look to the Lord! In your examination? Look to the Lord! Only He can restore your hope. Because hope is to man, as blood is to the heart. The next time you fail, dont conclude that youre better off expecting nothing. That, is a failures approach to life; which youre not.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 08:14:07 +0000

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