I saw a movie called The Box last night and saw a reflection of - TopicsExpress


I saw a movie called The Box last night and saw a reflection of todays society in the story ... The premise of the movie is a woman is offered a box with a button and told she has 24 hours to decide whether or not to push the button. If she pushes the button two things will happen; 1. She will receive $1000,000 and 2. Someone, somewhere, whom she doesnt know, will die. Now heres the thing ... If you take it that the average person earns $1m in their lives, the movie is fair enough with the idea that a life has a value of said $1m. Now it is almost a given that for things to work well there needs to be balance, after all science tells us that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Nutritionists will tell you that you need a Balanced diet. I often say it myself, too much of a good thing is a bad thing, moderation and balance are key to things working well. Now dont get me wrong, Im not saying everyone should have exactly the same amount of everything, thats been tried and failed, with reference to Communism. But just as the nutritionist will tell you to have a balanced diet we must understand that due to height, weight and metabolism and a myriad of other factors, a balanced diet is different for different people and the balance we need to strive for is an overall balance within reasonable boundaries. Now, back to that $1m. Imagine we all got our bank accounts set at this figure, Everyone gets $1m and $1m only. To get any more you need to get it from someone elses pile. Now, Im not talking for services rendered, Im talking about taking it. If you think you deserve more, why do you think you deserve more ? Is it because you think youre a nicer/better person ? Is it because you think you work harder ? Is it just simply greed ? Is it because you think your work is so important or indeed that You are so important ? Whatever your reason, if you have a reason, I believe it to be flawed. The fact you think you are a better person does not make you a better person, working hard is relative to the job at hand, greed is negative for everyone it touches and is any job more important than the people it affects, either directly or indirectly? We will all have our own justifications and more often than not we will leave it at that. While we do this we are all complicit in the subjugation of All those seen to be under our own particular step on the ladder of Status or successand I believe this is mostly due to one common mistake we all make with regard perspective, we are looking at this from the wrong direction. And we ALL do it ... we look UP too much and keep our focus there for too long ! We look to those who have More and strive to get what they have .. but there is Always people with More ... What we need more of, are people who look Down, at those who have Less than we do and strive to help them. And this is a lot easier than you might think, it can be in the form of advice, a smile, a helping hand or just a piece of your time. We need to do this not just on a personal level but on a societal level and to have this happen we need our leaders, more than anyone, to be givers to the point of being selfless. Again we get back to balance ! The balance we need to have in the governing of our country is just as out of whack as the distribution of financial wealth. Our leaders are self serving and egotistical, sometimes in the extreme. For them to have all four notions mentioned above is almost a prerequisite, think about it ! They nearly ALL think they are better than the average Joe, they think they work harder and they think they are more important than said Joe and with the wages and perks they give themselves, the greed could easily be argued. We have been programmed to live this way, to think this way, to toe the line ! But to whos benefit is this done ? We are told it is for our own benefit but back to action/reaction, who benefits from from our programmed actions. We work to pay bills, to accumulate wealth and hopefully we can be happy doing it. Again, the way we view work is very blinkered, it is from a singular perspective. We need to take the blinkers off and look at things differently. We need to teach people to find what it is that makes them happy and then teach them how to incorporate this into what they do for making a living. In conclusion, we need to stop playing the game of monopoly we have all been thought, we need to stop blaming the poor for the burden they put on us and instead admit to our own complicity in their situation and start to change it.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 15:33:40 +0000

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