I saw an ad today to oppose the Energy East pipeline project by - TopicsExpress


I saw an ad today to oppose the Energy East pipeline project by carving a NO Pipeline EAST comment into a pumpkin and put it on display this week at your house if you support that sentiment. Without pipelines all we will be hoping to drive here in New Brunswick will be Cinderellas Pumpkin as Atlantic Canadas Economy is slipping down the drain and guess what? Its almost midnight at the ball ;) No body is coming knocking to develop anything out east. All we have to offer is wood, and that grows all over North America - no pun intended when I say its not a growth sector anymore. Farming? Show me a rich farmer and Ill show you someone who is part of a multinational conglomerate, again no pun intended when I say its not a growth sector. Fishing, well same thing again. Its governments job to ASSIST businesses to setup out here NOT to be the business. So what happens when one comes calling that could start a good ball rolling that might mean in 15 to 20 years we have a great growth sector in Energy with spin off jobs? The typical NIMBY and Environmental Chicken Littles start to rabble rouse. So, if your going to oppose this I suggest you also have a viable option to present to the rest of the populace to bring this part of Canada out of the economic dark ages that it has been in for decades so people can stay home to work and live and raise their families with a decent wage. Otherwise I say, get out of the way as we reach for the only brass ring being offered. I dont care if its oil in a pipe, natural gas in a fracked well, minerals mined out of the ground! Its time to dig our heads out of our asses and roll up our sleeves and get this part of Canada to work with more than mediocre wages and government incentives. Look at the Provincial bottom lines around us and New Brunswick is sucking wind at the bottom of the barrel. Our provincial government coffers are not going to save us and there is no new source of expansion income in the pipe (pun intended) other than exploring our Natural Resources in the Energy Sector and or leveraging our existing infrastructure (The Refinery and Cana-port). Its time to put the hysterics and scare tactics away and deal with the cold hard facts. Those being we NEED JOBS! Even if they are short term boom during construction resulting in a few hundred ongoing jobs for the life of the energy project. Those in turn will help support the creation of other jobs in other sectors, thats how it works. It even employs people in Environmental Disaster Recovery companies ;) Take the base of working people we have now and then factor in Energy related jobs. They will put money into the companies we have now, and create opportunities for expansion which will fuel more jobs and more investment and more growth. Soon it becomes even more self sustaining requiring less government investment and more private sector investment, the way its supposed to work. Then government will collect more taxes and spend less time having to push out social support money and spend more time investing in roads, health care, education, all the things government is supposed to be responsible for. Is there a risk, well hell yes, there is to everything. There is no reward without risk. Its the people of the status quo who dont need these jobs and dont welcome change who tend to shout the loudest. Those who can afford to say no. Its about time that those of you out there reading this who cant afford to keep living life the way you have been start having your say. Start voicing your opinion on it and make people know in venues like this, by calling, emailing, faxing your municipal, provincial, federal representative of your support. Its the squeaky wheel folks that gets the attention of those in elected office that make these decisions. So break out your oil and put a few bits on the wheels of those opposed to this project and make your own voice of support heard. Lets see who agrees with me by sharing this post and liking my comment. I’ve made it public, so you make it viral if you support jobs and prosperity for yourself, your children and your province. #TransCanada #TransCanadaJobs #EnergyEast
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:07:40 +0000

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