I saw it everywhere and thought I knew it… But, then one day it - TopicsExpress


I saw it everywhere and thought I knew it… But, then one day it all made sense and I started to succeed in life! Everyday it seemed like all I did was get up with the alarm clock, do the usual routine, and go to work. Never getting where I wanted to be. But, then it all started to change. We all want to provide the life that our families dream of right? All of us have a desire to live the a life that we dream about that is easy and enjoyable. But how do you do that? (Ill tell you how I started that life in a minute) Have you ever had that feeling? Where it feels like that movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. Where everything that you work for and try to achieve get eroded away with higher cost of everyday life and time requirements. “In order to understand where I’m going with this I need to backup and tell you this first” See, I have 3 boys and a gorgeous wife of 15 years and our story started early. Our life has been, what some would call a struggle. For us, its just life. I was blessed to marry my high school sweetheart, and we have built our world together. Sure we have always wanted more, just like everyone else. More time, more money, more experiences. But, with starting early there has always been roadblocks that have kept us from achieving our dreams. We were 16 when our first son was born. Kind of funny though, you can have children at this age but the law doesnt allow you to get married without someone telling you that you can. Life is always harder with kids when youre at that age, or so we have been told. But, since we didnt know any other way you could of fooled us. Now, fast forward 17 years and we found ourselves in the part of life where our oldest boy was at the point of driving and getting ready to graduate high school, and getting ready to head off to college. If you are reading this, and have found yourself at this stage in life with children then you know what kind of added financial stress that I am talking about. You always intend to save more for these life events that you know are coming, but somehow if you ever start, what you end up with just never seems enough. This had always been at the back of my mind from the first couple of years since our first was born. I have got to do something that is going to make us a good living and to be prepared for what ever comes financially later on. So what do I do? Start my own fabrication and machine shop. Why? Cause that is what I knew. I had been in industry since the spring break of my senior year in high school, and I knew that there was good money and plenty of work. And man was there work. About the time of our second son, I went in partners with a guy that I had worked with for a couple of years and we were going to make this thing big. And for the most part we did, for 15-17 hours a day 6 sometimes 7 days a week. See, what I hadnt realized was that when you are your own boss working for yourself, you are the boss and everything that had to be done, had to be done by you. Lets just say that after a half a year or so with a new baby at home and me never being there, momma wasnt happy. I found out first hand what they meant by when momma aint happy, nobodys happy. On top of that, the guy I went in partners with couldnt handle the success that we were having and the income that we were generating, in what you would call a healthy manner. What I mean by that is him being single and living high on the hog with his part of the profit took his party habits to a higher not so legal level. So, after putting all that time and energy into building something substantial for my family I had to close that business down because I was barely keeping up as a partner, much less trying to pick up the slack and running solo. That makes you feel like a failure in front of everyone that told me that I wouldnt be able to make it happen and as if I had failed my wife and boys, even though deep inside I knew they didnt see me that way. As the world works sometimes, I got a call from a cousin of mine shortly after all of that had finished, wanting to come by and show me what she called a business opportunity. Huh? Being curious, I listened to what she had. As she spoke, I started getting so excited. She explained, ‘the you get five, and they get five, and they get five’ and so on. My heart started pumping. This was it! I’m going to be rich! I was hooked. And this was the ticket of what was going to put us on the right track of creating the life that I wanted for our little family. This network marketing thing is so easy. Man, was I wrong about that! We worked our butts off, lived on the phone, and was gone several nights a week, sometimes dragging two little ones around with us. And still didnt make much money. Definitely not the kind we needed, after a year of hotel meetings and “parties”, we quit. So there I am again, a failure. Or at least that is the way that I saw it. The one good thing that I did get out of that whole deal was that I was introduced to the personal development world. But I had my fill of network marketing. Now jump another nine years and my 3rd son was having his ninth birthday, and that brings us back to the time where my oldest is getting ready to graduate high school and I found myself looking for more of that personal development that I had found almost a decade ago and wanting to be part of something that was going to allow me to crate a life where I was able to have freedom and provide what I wanted for my family. After YEARS of trying to make my dreams come true, with one failure after another I was still barely making any money…still working long hours and all the overtime that I could at a job… and still scared to death looking towards the future… Seventeen years had vanished like the blink of an eye, and I found myself exactly where I didnt want to be all those years ago looking at that smiling 1 year old. I wasnt prepared for this part of life. …Then one day while searching the internet for marketing ideas, I came across a video. As I listened I felt a sense of calmness come over me – an overwhelming feeling of ‘everything is going to alright’. It was weird & cool, like nothing I had experienced before! By the way… here is the same video I watched - I highly recommend you check it out too.bit.ly/1etOFOd All I can say is thank God I found that video! Since stumbling across it we have forever changed the course of my life completely. I now have a great mentors (of who I’m happy to share!) that are actually LIVING the kind of life I want to live and who has provided me with the vehicle for totally changing my financial life. And I have to say – love that residual income thing! Since I started to work with them they have hooked me up with a group of like-minded people that has helped me tremendously in both my business development, as well as my personal development. And as my team continues to grow, we have this strength like nothing I have ever seen or been apart of. Empowering each other… helping each other… loving each other… and having a ton of fun with each other! I have finally learned and understood the concept taught in books like “Law of Attraction” & “Think and Grow Rich” and others about the power of the mind and know what I am supposed to do. I had heard it before, but was not really ‘hearing’ it, I just thought that I knew what it all meant. I was spending my time and energy of thinking and focusing on my failures and what didnt go right. So, I was attracting nothing but more failure. My own self-limiting beliefs were keeping me in the wrong mindset and keeping me from doing what I knew that I should be to succeed. It sounds so simple, but I am telling you, it is all about our thought, beliefs and emotions… nothing short of miraculous. I am so grateful I was given one more chance to find that missing part. And that I had the sense to actually open my mind and truly listen to what others have known and practiced for a long time. Every day I am being blown away by the power we have in our thoughts and beliefs, and understand how so many others that are around us have the life that I want and why it seems so easy for them. It is flowing into all areas of my life! Because I KNOW what it is like to struggle for all those years… and to be frustrated and angry… and to feel ashamed of your life and what I hadnt achieved that I should have. I wanted to reach out to you and show you how you too can transform your life into the life you are proud of… and the life you love… using the EXACT resources that I use. I believe it’s no accident that you have found this and are sitting here reading this post… I think that you are being given a chance too. The universe, god (or whatever you wish to call it) is showing you a way, a path. Trust me – take it! You will be forever grateful. I know the first thought is What is everyone else going to think about this, sounds kind of hokie, but that is what we all have been worrying about anyway. You see where it has gotten you so far. I know, I was there. I know all my struggles and pain of everything that I have gone through has led me up to this place where I am supposed to be. Right here, right now. Helping others find happiness, health, and wealth. I have found the “entrepreneurs dream”. The idea that hooked me so many, many years ago. TIME and MONEY FREEDOM! Time and money for family… fun… travel… charity… and PURPOSE! I have not posted this to push something on you, although I have many whove been asking how I have done it… and I want to share in the success and pay it forward and share the “answer” of freedom with others and to give people hope. I am doing this business to help others – it gives me a purpose in life. Like Zig Ziglar said, when you help as many people as you can, then you get everything that you want. You can see the exactly how I learned what to do and how to do it here and the vehicle that I used to change my life. bit.ly/1etOFOd I am just following the simple step by step instructions given. Thats it! And as a result, I am helping 2 or people a day to change and create the life that they dream of. I just let the system do its thing. Believe me – if I can do this, someone that has been working in industry for last 17 years as a welder, fabricator, and machinist. I KNOW it can work for you! I believe everyone deserves to be happy… have time… have money… have success… and to have FREEDOM! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story! I hope it has helped you in some way, and if this helped you or connected with you in anyway, I would like to hear your part so let me know below – I would love to hear from you! I wish you great success in everything you do. Dean Stevens P.S. I just want to mention that this can be used to help grow ANY business (online or traditional). Or as a stand-alone. You can even use it to share your passions, opinions, causes and hobbies. It is growing fast and I would love to have you be a part of this movement! workwithdean
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 00:34:09 +0000

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