I saw this Story on New World Order News Channel CIA CNN. They - TopicsExpress


I saw this Story on New World Order News Channel CIA CNN. They were honoring the former Leader of the Secret CIA. I believe most, if not all, the Tragic Events and Wars can be traced back to our Secret CIA. I believe they are Agents for the Federal Reserve, at the direction of the Council on Foreign Relations, overseen by the State Department. I believe they are all enemies of our State. I believe we are our own worst enemy. We are running out of time to bring George H W Bush to Justice. I believe he will get what he deserves in The End. Burn Baby Burn. I believe the two Where Were You Whens, have one common name, George H W Bush. Find, The Truth on 9/11, and I believe we will have found The Truth on the Assassination of JFK. Same, Royal Plot, different day. I believe 9/11 was the Big Event needed to put the Plan, of a New World Order, in motion. I believe it is all part of a Royal-Made Script, to deliver in the promise of a New World Order, by Skulls and Bones Secret Society Member Royal Bush 41. Hitler promised a New World Order! Goes with Skulls and Bones Royal Bush 41, being the Son of Skulls and Bones Royal Prescott Bush, his Royal War Pig Banks were shut down for Funding the Nazis in WW II. We allowed the Son, and Grandson of the Banker to the Nazis, to become President. What could possibly go wrong? Everything! I believe we are living one Bid Secret Covered-up Lie, and its about to blow up in our face, just like the Forgotten Buildings on 9/11. We now have a Skulls and Bones Secret Society Member SECRETary of State, Royal John Kerry, negotiating Nuclear World War on our behalf. All, based on the Secrets, and Lies of 9/11. Our choice in the Election after 9/11, 2004, was Skulls and Bones Secret Society Member Royal Bush 43 vs Skulls and Bones Secret Society Member Royal Kerry. We got, Skulls and Bones Royalty, either way. No Outsiders allowed to uncover Inside Job? Skulls and Bones Secret Society is known as the Brotherhood of Death. Our, near future? Skulls and Bones Secret Society Member Royal Prescott Bush was part of a Coup, during the Great Depression, pushing the Royal Nazi New World Order Agenda. Financial Collapse, and the New World Order, go hand and hand. One of their hands, feeds their other hand, as The People starve. Take a good look at my recent posts on Royal Jeb Bush. The Skulls and Bones Royal Bushs have been involved in every major Financial Collapse for decades. The goal of the New World Order is for One World Government, One World Currency, and One World Religion. THEIRS! If you think its yours, you better think again, while you can still think for yourself The New World Order, One World Religion, will do the thinking for all of US. Think, about that, the ultimate form of control. History proves, if they cant control, they kill. Are, all of US, next on their Agenda? The People must stand and demand The Truth starting with 9/11, Wars, and New World Order. One Thing Leads To Another. This is a Plan! I believe they all lead, to the death, of all of US. Anyone willing and able to Pull off 9/11, and Wars based on 9/11, are willing and able to Pull off anything and everything. Including, The End, least for US. Many of the Domestic Terrorists, who I believe are behind 9/11 and Wars, are now Predicting an Attack far deadlier then 9/11. The only thing bigger then 9/11, is a Nuclear Bomb, in my Book. I believe we will Fry, if we continue to Live, the 9/11 Lie. The Truth is the Word of God. The Truth and The People, seeking and speaking it, are the Enemy of this so-called One Nation Under God being Ruled under Secrets and Lies. The Truth has been turned into a Conspiracy Theory. Based on that Theory, God will become the next Enemy, and his Word the next Conspiracy Theory. I believe there is a Luciferian Conspiracy, based on Marxist Hegelian Logic. Everything we are told, is the opposite of our Evil Royal Rulers, and so-called Leaders intentions. Its, why nothing, makes sense. Its, all nonsense, in my Book. They put In God We Trust on the back of the Root of all Evil, that has touched every Branch of our so-called Government, in the District of Corruption. Home of the DC Comics. The only time they tell the Truth, is when they are Joking, and the Jokes on US! They will be laughing all the way to our Graves, unless they decide to turn US all to Ash, like many of the Forgotten Victims on 9/11. Others chose to jump, see Comments, for that Story. In God We Trust, on the back of our Funny Money, also proves who their God is - The Almighty Dollar. The back of our Funny Money, also has the Illuminati Pyramid Scheme, with New World Order written under it. Our Funny Money, also Predicted 9/11, and other tragic events. Hot off the Press, are Predictions of a Nuclear Bomb off the Big Apple, causing Tsunami washing it all away. How refreshing, the same Script, is shown in The Day After Tomorrow. Money is also known as Script. It could happen today, the Ruling Evil Royal War Pig Banker Hypocrites may not want to wait until tomorrow, much less The Day After Tomorrow. Its up to you, New York, New York. The Skulls and Bones Royal Bush Family were Business Partners with the Saudi Royal Bin Laden Family. Osama Bin Laden, was a Skulls and Bones Royal Bush 41s, Secret CIA Trained Operative. Are, Osama and Obama, same thing? Is, Obama Nation, being Led into the Abomination of Desolation? Who knows? Everything is a Secret, when forced to Talk, they Lie. The Royal Family of Liars. I not only believe 9/11 was an Inside Job, I believe it was turned into, a Evil Royal ZioNeoNazi Messianic Satanic Ritual. Goes with the Pre-Meditated Oil Wars, in the Name of God, that followed 9/11. The ultimate insult, to my God, he says Thou Shalt Not Kill. I believe our Evil Royal Rulers, and so-called Leaders make a Living, off of Killing People. They make a Killing! There is no more profitable Business then War. So profitable, they Fund, and Arm both sides. While our Evil Royal Rulers, and so-called Leaders can keep Secrets and tell US Lies, God knows all. I believe he has seen and heard enough. I believe the Message of the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13) is: The Truth or The End. The Truth will set US Free (John 8:32). Free at last. Free at last. Free and Independent. One thing, I can tell you, is youve got to be Free. Come Together, right now, over me. See my entire Facebook Page, its my Book - Change 2014. It follows Change 2013 and Change 2012. PS: Dont shoot the Messenger. Its, Gods Call of Duty, for all of US. Peace.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 11:40:52 +0000

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