I saw this coming. I wont lie. These are zionists in orange. A - TopicsExpress


I saw this coming. I wont lie. These are zionists in orange. A senior Israeli person said India treats Israel like a mistress. Well, good news for him. Now India will be Israels pimp. Narendra Modi and his gang of thugs will sell Israel, to India and the world, protect Israel from BDS effects and setbacks, sign huge defense deals, and even support it diplomatically. Remember how Netanyahu said sky is the limit? Its going to be worse than Australia, Canada, USA (to a certain extent), UK. You need lobbies in those countries. You need to buy out the politicians. You need fanatic religious pro-Israel groups. You need a substantial Zionist Jewish population that keeps reminding you to support Israel. Nothing like that here. This is pure brotherhood. One brother looking out for another. In what could amount to a tectonic shift in the country’s foreign policy, the Modi government is looking at altering India’s supporting vote for the Palestinian cause at the United Nations to one of abstinence. Despite the growing defence and diplomatic ties with Israel, the UPA government, which junked traditional ally Iran to vote with the United States at the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2005, had baulked at making any change in India’s support to the Palestinians. Even former Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee’s government, which invited Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to India in 2003, did not amend India’s voting record at the U.N. India’s stance at the UN has been an irritant in Indo-Israeli relations, with Tel Aviv frustrated that close bonds had not resulted in any change in the stance on Palestine. thehindu/news/national/india-may-end-support-to-palestine-at-un/article6713364.ece
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 21:57:51 +0000

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