I say it all the time; this is a messed up world. Each day I find - TopicsExpress


I say it all the time; this is a messed up world. Each day I find more of what I take to be my enemy. There are so many people so set in their misguided ways - so many of us that know it all. That is a problem when so little can be known for sure. There is just so much to know that none of us could ever pretend to fathom it all. This guy pulled over the other day to chit chat on the side of the highway. He asked me what I was up to. I told him. In the same breath, his response posited that the trains are the way to go with the oil, as they are so much better than pipelines, and that there were houses right there where he was pointing that were melted from the most recent derailment. Squinting to gain some composure in my confusion, I asked him how an option that just so happen to have left melted houses within view of us where we were randomly having our conversation was a better one. I asked why it has to be the lesser of two evils. He clicked and scoffed, then smiled. Someone asked me about the silly ethical oil argument the other day and I gave her the same response that I wanted to give this guy. If a woman is being raped while another is being raped and sodomized, is the former in a better position than the latter? Is it more ethical to be the perpetrator of the former than the latter? The oil people would have you blame the victim. Our earth is being raped and they would rather us focus on the sodomy over the initial rape. It is the same type of warped logic I find everywhere I go. Victim-blaming just fits with this patriarchal system designed to benefit those on the top of this perverted hierarchy. This man and the proponents of such arguments need to decolonize their minds - they require new ways to think. They click, grunt, and shuffle when the denial fries inside them as the ascending and descending signals collide in cognitive dissonance. These people cannot see past their faces. It is all about money. I feel so sorry for these slaves of mind and body. Just like the people trying to prevent my getting any further assistance with my disability issues. These people are so misguided that they think that they are doing some justice, when, in fact, they are simply slaves. They want to make it so that I have no home to go back to. This is what money does to people. When I return, I will be pitching my tent out in front of the disability office. I will not leave. If they police take me away, then I will only return, and on and on. I fight injustice. That is what I do. I battle those that think they know everything. Most seem to have it all figured out, yet their lives are falling apart. We all move forward as this is the way that things are meant to be, tacitly accepting that we are slaves to this system. These people could let me do my 1400 km, then let me go home. But they want to make sure that I have no home to go back to. And dont even think that we will repair your wheelchair. You cant leave the province; you require our assistance - youre disabled. You cant stop these people from destroying the planet; we need them. You better just put up with this, or itll get a lot worse for you. Dont look at the bully, or well get beat up. Dont get them mad, or we will have to deal with the repercussions. Just play the game. F&%K YOU! F#$K THAT! F@?K THIS SYTEM! I dont play games. Hey, Ms. Worker: I know you are reading this. You are a low life, degenerate being. You wont admit it, but you and people like you are the reason for all the evil in this world. How much bad has been done under the I am just doing my job tagline? I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for your kids, if you have any. I feel sorry for anyone that has to spend any time around you. I will never talk to you again. You are so far beneath a response from me that I have to make that evident to you. I will be living in the blue tent on the sidewalk out front of the office, since you want to take my home from me, in protest for the treatment I have faced, upon my return - whenever I feel like it. Hey, Big Oil: Your days are numbered. There are people out there that do not wish to trade the future for a posh today. There are people that will fight and die to stop this trade-off. I am not alone. Hey, World: I am going to keep fighting and pushing and sacrificing till the tide turns and the evil doers are sucked out to sea in a cleansing riptide of transparency and accountability. I will not relent. Today, I rest. My aching body requires healing. My mind is right. My intent is genuine and just. This will prevail. Have you ever felt that funny feeling when you look around at all the people around you and you get this panicky feeling because you feel as though everything is wrong? Well, you are right. It is like an anxiety attack where we feel the need to be near people that emanate positive vibes. We get these feelings when we are in touch with the world around us and the beings around us. When you get these feelings you are able to make intuitive assessments of people with profound accuracy. We are able to tell whom is righteous and just and whom may be just acting as such. When we get these feelings, we are compelled to be around the right people. These oil people and the people just doing their jobs may seem to be okay, prima facia. But these people just put on an act. Their lives will make this evident. Their inner self is broken and tearful. When you get these feelings, the suit and tie and fancy car become glaringly obvious in what they are - distractions from the devil within them. When you get that feeling, if you ever do, do not deny it. Cling to those that have the good within them, no matter what they may seem on the outside. Find the love. Belong to it. See what is beautiful. Belong to the beauty.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 17:50:24 +0000

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