I say it every year, and I am sure if you read my rant every year - TopicsExpress


I say it every year, and I am sure if you read my rant every year you might eye roll and think here she goes again! At any rate here is my opinion AGAIN......... Dear US Government Department of Education and Texas Department of Education, On this most hallowed week that begins the next 14 days of STAAR testing for the kids of Texas, I would like to offer these words of support to you........you can kindly take your standardized test and shove it where the sun doesnt shine! I say this to you with the upmost respect and ask that you forgive me the fact that I trust my child’s teachers and schools to properly educate them and give them the knowledge it takes to become a productive, SELF THINKING, educated student! You will forgive me if I chose to support my kids without them getting an ulcer over your test that proves nothing about who they are academically, who their teachers are professionally, what they know and what they have been taught! You will forgive me if I feel the formulas needed to excel at your test are systematically dumbing down our children! You will forgive me that I feel the standardized tests that are being shoved down my kid’s throat are anti education, and pro conformity. You will forgive me if I dont appreciate our educators being forced to teach out of fear and not out of the love they originally chose their profession with! You will forgive me if I dont think my home life should be disrupted for two weeks out of the school year where I have to make sure no disruptions in sleep patterns, eating patterns, and any and all other stressors are to be avoided at any cost! I cant even do that for one day! You will forgive me if I take my kids progress reports, report cards and teacher’s comments at the full value that they should be given, and disregard the snapshot this stupid test offers me about my kid! You will forgive me when I tell my children that I DO NOT CARE what your test says, and I dare the State of Texas to hold my straight A honor roll student back because of a test that MIT engineers would have a hard time passing with the formulas that are given to these kids! You will forgive me when I say I dont care if you defund our school because of low test scores because I am the type of person that can and will go out and raise every dollar you take away from our school and double it! You will forgive me when I tell my children who get COMMENDED on this atrocity every year that I care not about the accolades they earned for surpassing the ever low expectations our government has put on our children’s education. You will forgive me when I say I care more about the values they are learning from educators when they earn a hard fought A on a report card, or can sit in my office doing homework and figure out a math problem in their head without using the government approved formula for adding and subtracting! You will forgive me when I say I dare you to punish my child if they do not perform to your standards! You will forgive me when I say the only standards my children have to live up to are those of their teachers, their schools, mine, their own and Gods! And you my dear people with your standardized test, despite what you think, are not in MY equation of academic success! Thank you for your time and waste of countless resources! Sincerely, One Fed Up Mother!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:12:11 +0000

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