I searched on youtube Black Man Fights and got 470,000 results of - TopicsExpress


I searched on youtube Black Man Fights and got 470,000 results of people scrapping it out in alleyways and parking lots. I searched Black Man Graduates and the most relevant result was a clip of a white guy named Buddy Blackman graduating from college. At the end of the day, all jokes aside, when weve stopped being amused by the idiots in society (which come in all shapes, colors, and sizes). I find this really disturbing. Weve reached a period in time where racism is no longer acceptable, but grossly negative stereotypes are. Im as guilty as the rest of you, so please dont take this as me being on a high horse. I make more than my fair share of racy jokes and Im always the first one to poke fun at idiotic people doing idiotic shit on the internet. but at what point does it stop being funny? Thats not rhetorical either... thats a legitimate question. I just hope when people see videos like this an laugh, that we remember that this isnt the type of smut we should use to define a culture or race of people. We all have a responsibility to not be ignorant, and not to adhere to the stereotypes that society bestows on us. NO ONE is obligated to speak, or think, or act a certain way just because thats what society tells you you are supposed to do or be. be it acting a fool, or be it passing judgement and/or developing your belief system based on those who act like fools. I guess Im just saying, maybe we should all re-evaluate ourselves. Whats funny, and just for fun, and innocent and playful? and whats actually hurtful, or more so, creating a negative effect? We shouldnt be littering impressionable minds with negative stereotypes. Its fine to crack jokes with your buddies about black people liking fried chicken or something stupid like that, if your friends are smart enough to know better, if they are smart enough to know that its just jokes and we can all laugh together about our differences, then thats fine. but when young minds actually start BELIEVING that shit... then weve all gone too far. Theres a fine line and it gets crossed sometimes. Were all guilty of it. And it shouldnt be about passing around the blame. It should be about asking the question what can WE do to fix the problem. I think laughing at racism is healthy. I think when every race and walk of life can come together and laugh at our differences, that its a good thing. I think that the word Nigga getting thrown around so much these days can possibly have a good effect, in the sense that its losing its power. It doesnt cut into people like it used to. In 20 years itll just be a word, with zero weight to it, with zero power over any of us. When words like that stop having the power to effect us emotionally, its a good thing. We just have to be careful. We have to be careful that we teach our children what is real, and what isnt. The shit you see on world star hip hop. it isnt a real representation of black culture. Its a smoke screen of bullshit. and I think we all need to be smart enough to see through the bullshit and just see it for what it is. and more importantly, to teach our young that its a smoke screen of bullshit too. We dont need to abolish it. We dont need to abolish stereotypes, and differences, and cultures, and racism. We just need to seek to understand what it is, and what it isnt. and we need to make sure our kids understand what it is, and what it isnt, so they dont carry on a legacy of negativity or hatred.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 06:33:41 +0000

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