I see a great shift happening in the Body of Christ, where people - TopicsExpress


I see a great shift happening in the Body of Christ, where people are realizing that its not the prophets job to hear from God on their behalf, but that the prophet will stir up the prophetic within us, its not the evangelists job to go win the lost, but to mobilize us and compel us to move beyond our borders to rescue the lost ones, its not the teachers job to spoon feed you the Word of God, but rather to arouse from within you the student within you who craves revelation from within those pages, and lastly I believe we are coming into the realization that it isnt the pastors sole job to feed your spirit, but that they could disciple you in a way where you can feed yourself and others. Its ok to realize weve been a little lazy, wishing for those called to an office to do the work, but the Body cant really function that way without making those offices an idol. We serve the one true God, and He lives roaring like a lion on the inside of you. You are a superstar in the faith. Stop looking around you for a hero. Youre going to be a hero, advancing Gods kingdom here and now.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 13:01:27 +0000

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