I see a lot of comments about Obama’s failure to “get tough” - TopicsExpress


I see a lot of comments about Obama’s failure to “get tough” with Putin and Russia. To be sure, Obama is a failure on this front, but not for the reasons most claim. Let me put this in some perspective with a hypothetical. Suppose the U.S. were to break apart for economic reasons, causing California to become an independent country detached from the U.S., with a resulting agreement between California and the U.S. that the U.S. could maintain its Pacific naval base at San Francisco. After this, the enemies of the U.S. (hypothetically Russia and/or China) start a proxy fight in California for the purpose of (1) bringing California into the orbit of this hypothetical Sino-Soviet block; (2) looting the wealth of California by putting California into debt to the IMF; (3) partially encircling the U.S. at a strategic location with long-term plans to oust the U.S. from its naval base in San Francisco; and (4) realizing its long-term goals of putting strategic missiles in California aimed at the U.S. No. 1 is analogous to making Ukraine a member of NATO; a long-term goal of Washington imperialists. How many Americans would favor an invasion of California to halt foreign intervention in California and to remove the strategic threat to the U.S.? I sure would. Almost every rational-thinking American would. Now this is almost exactly what Russia has done. Yet we hear from the advocates of empire in Washington, that its our job to (effectively) take on a nuclear power in its own backyard. What arrogance and stupidity. Obama is a failure not because he has not “got tough” with Russia or Putin. He is a failure in this regard because he has resurrected a cold war that Reagan effectively ended. He has allowed his State Department and the CIA to pull him around by the nose and get the U.S. involved directly into Ukranian affairs. I don’t think it is unfair to say that if the power-brokers can’t achieve their goal of looting Ukraine, then the next best goal would be to make Ukraine into a failed state like Libya, Iraq and Syria. A failed state is not what Russia wants on its Southeastern frontier, much less a NATO member, and for good reason. The last time a superpower tried to get its nose directly onto the other’s back porch was when the USSR attempted to put ballistic missiles in Cuba, sparking the Cuban Missile Crisis. We all know how that almost ended. To get an alternative view of what is really going on in Ukraine, here is some real news that the presstitutes will never report: From Dr. Paul Craig Robert, Undersecretary of the Treasury under Reagan: kingworldnews/kingworldnews/Broadcast/Entries/2014/3/1_Dr._Paul_Craig_Roberts_files/Paul%20Craig%20Roberts%203%3A1%3A2014.mp3 Cut from a leaked phone tap recording Undersectetary of State Victoria Nuland and Ukraine Ambassador Geoffrey Pratt discussing who they are going to put in power in Ukraine: youtube/watch?v=CL_GShyGv3o Another article: jackmatlock/2014/03/ukraine-the-price-of-internal-division/ Another article by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: paulcraigroberts.org/2014/03/06/looting-ukraine-begun/ The U.S. needs to stay out of Ukraine. And Obama, that incredibly articulate nincompoop, needs to go back to being a community organizer.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 06:33:42 +0000

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