I see conservatives as folks who are primarily animated by a - TopicsExpress


I see conservatives as folks who are primarily animated by a belief that, in spite of the many problems as we face, things could be much worse. Thus, they are often motivated to protect the status quo. I see progressives as folks animated primarily by a belief that, despite our progress, we could be doing much, much better. Thus, theyre willing to do away with our traditions and let the chips fall where they may. I believe both general points of view have some merit. Things could be much worse, but things could be much better. I could never be a progressive in the modern sense because the one and only progressive answer to any question seems to be a bigger, more powerful government. Progressives are 21st Century reformers in love with 19th Century solutions. I often have trouble fitting in with the conservatives because so many seem content to leave things as they are and to protect the status quo. Im active with the Republican Party, but no one would suggest Im a Republican Party apologist. Im definitely not a Democrat. Any number of L/libertarians will tell you Im most certainly not a L/libertarian. Politically, I dont really fit in anywhere. Anyone else feel this way?
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 18:21:14 +0000

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