I see divisiveness growing among Iowa GOP. I truly hope this can - TopicsExpress


I see divisiveness growing among Iowa GOP. I truly hope this can be tempered during this cycle. It is important that we remember we are working towards common goals and not electing candidates. Any GOP candidate means lower spending, more lives saved and more social protection than the alternative. If you see no difference between the parties...McCain wouldnt have forced fed Obamacare or Dodd Frank. The folks that cant get behind our candidates really arent the base. The base is our thinkers, activists and organizers. The ones that strive to keep us on track but stick with us. The base are the folks that when they dont get 100% this time, they still push for the 80% this time and continue to work towards 100% in the future. RINO is a bit of a misnomer if it attests to the Republicans have always been the party of small government. Lincoln marched Federalism across the south for civil liberties and private industry. The GOP has been both progressive and conservative, but it has always been the party of private business. That does not mean that today, the GOP cannot stand for principals of small government, individual liberty and free markets. We see the trend every eight years when the party of the president gets swept out. Those in power get complacent and those out of power get motivated and organize. I think we saw the same thing happen for Iowa Republicans this year. Change does not happen quickly in representative government. It takes many people with the resolve to work towards common principals. I hope that conservatives can come together, truly be part of the base and work towards the best future for our children. In 1912, Taft and Teddy Roosevelt fought over what the Republican party should stand for. They split the majority of like-minded Americans and allowed a liberal NJ Governor, Woodrow Wilson, to become president. With one president who won a small constituency, our nation went down the path of globalization. We accomplish nothing when we take our toys and go home. Stay passionate. Stay vocal. Fight for a better future instead of candidates. Be the base. Godspeed!
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 18:47:03 +0000

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