I see people I know and like at protests chanting... From the - TopicsExpress


I see people I know and like at protests chanting... From the river to the sea Palestine will be free. Boy, I really wish they knew what free looks like. Heres a link just to save you needing to imagine it. youtu.be/oqfe6vTOH24 It would all be like this instead of the parts they already control. The only Muslims who live in freedom in that area are the 1.6 million Israeli Muslims. The 4.5 million muslims who are called Palestinians (though from exactly the same place) live in a hell you can not imagine. If you think Atheism can cure this then no I have to tell you it cant for two reasons. Number one anyone teaching kids stuff that conflicts with the Koran is in big trouble so the stupidity of saying the world was created in a week by a supernatural being can not be contested. Number two, even when they do realise what drivel their religion is, if they admit it theyre dead. Islam does not retreat! Muslims should support Israel because on the one hand its the only government in the region not persecuting Muslims and for the other reason that all criticism of Israel is just the Hamas projecting their own pathology on the Israelis. Every bit of rubbish they spew out is true of them not and not the Israelis. This world is in serious trouble if atheists everywhere cant stick together and insist on the right to apostasy. By that I mean the right not to believe in a god and not to be killed because of it. Do not tolerate intolerance! This is not just for Atheists. Even Muslims should understand that in a Theologically run Islamic state, you might be the wrong type of muslim. In the countries which are 100% muslim you are still being massacred for being in some way the wrong type of Muslim. Maybe youre not pious enough or maybe someone just has a grudge or doesnt care who they make an example of. - who knows - who cares - They will still kill you when they run out of infidels to kill. That is how it works in every 100% muslim country. We need certain rights to be universal. For atheists the right to apostasy. For muslims the right to be whatever type of muslim you want to be. Personally I would prefer we all just grow up and stop worshipping imaginary friends but Ill settle for a compromise of we believe whatever we want. A compromise which is not currently on the table for us and needs to be. We are a million miles away from getting these basic rights. Idiots believing their inverted bullsh1t are supporting them when they themselves are infidels (infidels are the lowest form of crap on Earth and deserving of death if you actually check what it really says in the Koran instead of the crap people quote you). Taqqya is where they quote you an abrogated verse or one where it sounds like you have a choice about whether to believe and they neglect to mention the very next verse which explains about burning the people who make the right choice. Or maybe they quote you some piece of guidance which is totally irrelevent and pertains to how Muslims needed to interact with people when in a minority. Whatever you are getting quoted - if it sounds peaceful, then it is a lie. Heres a link... thereligionofpeace/Muhammad/myths-mu-home.htm If anyone thinks Im being racist - Wake up - an ideology is not a race. Being against nazism or Stalinism is not racist! If anyone thinks I am particularly bashing Islam - Well, you must just not know how I feel about Christianity - Thats dangerous rubbish too but just not such an immediate threat. Wicca, Judaism, Satanism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Shinto, everything requiring the existence of supernatural beings not in the fossil record is preposterous crap that only a little kid would believe in if it were not for the power of brainwashing. If you are entitled to your idiotic and highly destructive beliefs then so am I and those are my beliefs. Anyone out there who believes in any religion I mentioned. Dont take it personally. You are almost totally in agreement with me. You are an atheist too for every religion I mentioned except the one you believe in.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 00:17:07 +0000

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