I see that the flesh is so pathetic its dust and it doesnt stay - TopicsExpress


I see that the flesh is so pathetic its dust and it doesnt stay fresh .. today Im young handsome and strong and if I continue living ill get old and loose my strength and wrinkle up yes ill be ugly compared to the way I am now .. Lol this is the truth ppl .. Now that above is not the word of God its just facts .. Now the word of God in romens81v1-13 .. We see clearly there that to be in the flesh u cant please God u can submit to the will of God .. And you create enmity this means ur an enemy with God .. What is to be in the flesh ? See gal5v17-21 .. U will see the works of the flesh .. To have a carnal mind is death .. Just having such a mind .. stop living in the flesh would u .. Coz ur heading straight to hell and thats just ur waiting place this includes me if I walk in the flesh .. I would hate to die in the flesh .. For in the situation which we end our lives in that state we eternally remain .. The flesh is dust , temporal .. And u want to satisfy it , ur giving it all it wants by walking in lusts .. Im only dating one guy I dnt sleep around .. Im old enough .. These reasons are worldly and pathetic coz The word of God is above this .. Die .. Living in the flesh and u will see the wrath of God .. Its a shame that as ur here on earth ur given a chance to please God .. And most importantly who u want to serve .. What u want .. For we are all goin to be judged according to the works we did ..
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 11:08:57 +0000

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