I see; therefore I know Posted by: Segun Gbadegesin “On my - TopicsExpress


I see; therefore I know Posted by: Segun Gbadegesin “On my part, now that I see with my eyes, and I know of the efforts made and the outcomes achieved, I bow my hat to the vision of Governor Ajimobi and his team. Of course, it is not finished and there’s more to do. O tun ku nibon n dun. And as long as the spirit of the last two years still sustains the team, we can expect more wonders.” Opalaba has not been known to be effusive in his praise of any individual, talk less a politician. My friend cannot stand their kind. For in his view, they all thrive on deception, without vision and without an eye toward a lasting legacy. “How else do you describe a person who has a singular opportunity to do the most good for the most people and instead choose to line his pockets and those of his immediate families?” he asked. To which I would always ask why he chose not to throw his do-gooder hat in the ring if he was so moved to benefit the masses. And he has never had to pause for a second before he came up with a response: “apparently you are in a hurry to do your job as the executor of my estate,” he would charge. “Then desist from your boring complaint,” I would fire back. Given my friend’s aversion to politics and disdain for the political class, I was shocked to the marrow when Opalaba called with excitement to report what he considered to be the transformation going on in Oyo State. No, he wasn’t prepared to change his mind about politicians; he just thought that the feat that he was witnessing came from non-political minds; not from career politicians. “If you think about it” he observed, “it takes the discipline of the intellect to have vision and it takes the courage of the mind to bring it to fruition. Not all dreamers have the intellect or the courage to realise their dreams.” Not too long ago, I wrote about the mess that Oyo State in general and Ibadan in particular had become. In “Anikura as political hero”, I raised the question why a city that was once the headquarters of the most amazing developmental programmes in the entire continent can be so messed up and its people so traumatised that they couldn’t find the strength to extricate themselves from the deadly grip of a cabal. That is, until the cabal, blinded by the appearance of its invisibility, and choked by its insatiable greed did itself in and it didn’t need much strength for the people to liberate themselves. They voted for change and real transformation. It appears that, at last, they’re having their prayers answered. Opalaba’s excitement was infectious but no one was going to play any prank on me. I wasn’t going to be fooled again, even by a honey-coated tongue as my friend’s. He told me about the new network of roads, drainage systems, the aesthetics of the medians, the neighbourhood markets. “What is more”, my friend added, “it is not just Ibadan that is being transformed; it is a state-wide approach”, he remarked. “Good for them. But I don’t trust you and I have to see to believe.” “You are a philosopher, aren’t you? You don’t have to believe anything, including your own existence. I am surprised that seeing will make you believe.” “I wish you don’t dabble into what you don’t understand and just stick to your stethoscope. For in that space, you are the king. At any rate, seeing does not only make me a believer, it makes me a knower. What my koro koro eyes perceive, I do not doubt.” And so, I headed for the pace-setter state to see for myself. Though I had thought that narratives of the developmental efforts going on in Oyo state can be exaggerated, what I saw in Ibadan was simply unbelievable. From Elizabeth Road to Mokola junction, I encountered no traffic jam! From Challenge to Yemetu, it was a smooth ride. Iwo road used to be a driver’s nightmare. With less than 20 km stretch, you could be held up for hours. My friends related their nightmare scenarios on the road. With only 5 km to their house, they once spent three hours before they managed to turn around to seek a longer route. Now the same road takes less than 20 minutes. That the road network has made life easier for the people is an understatement. But there are two other issues, one I confirm for myself and the other was brought to my attention by common eye witnesses. First, the aesthetic dimension of the project is commendable. Functionality may come at the expense of beauty. But in the case of what is going on in Ibadan, it is clear that the steady eyes on a lasting legacy have ensured that beauty must not be sacrificed for the practical. Second is the dimension of quality. I was informed by ordinary folks who observed the contractors as they toiled on the projects, ensuring that the drainage system was built to last, the median was solid and the space under the fly- overs were beautifully fenced in against miscreants and vandals. I am told that similar projects are picking up across the state from Oyo to Ogbomosho and Iseyin. When I first saw the demolition of stalls and shops in December, I worried what would happen if the government wasn’t able to speed up the project and complete the roads in good time. Now, I know what it means to have the will to utilise the resources at one’s disposal. I also worried about the displaced petty traders albeit with unauthorised stalls. Now I know what it means to be a sound planner and compassionate administrator. I drove to the new neighbourhood market in Challenge and I saw traders and marketers happy with their new lease on life. I understand that there are more such markets springing up in neighbourhoods throughout the city and across the state. The Yoruba people are talented with words and witty sayings for any occasion. Proverbs are for them the search engine for hidden treasures in conversation. They say, for instance, that an enemy never succeeds in capturing a well-endowed bush-rat. No matter how big an enemy’s catch looks, it is always going to be derided as a bony little lizard. I thought about this when I read an interview granted by a former governor of the state. Among other things, he was asked about his perception of the impressive transformation going on in the state. To which he gave a politician’s response: a facelift has to have a human face, he said. A facelift must be gradual, he added. In other words, if you have the means to transform the state in one full bloom, why do it? Why not stretch it out? Here’s the question that didn’t come up in the interview: “For how long would the former governor have stretched out an infrastructure transformation agenda? Another four years? And then wait for an additional four to be able to attract investors who now seem to be coming in droves already? In a sense, I concede that what Governor Ajimobi is doing is what good governance is all about. It is what is expected of anyone who presents himself or herself for public office. It is also true however, that in this clime, we have not always been fortunate to have governors who take seriously their pledge to serve the people and promote the people’s interests. When we see one, we are naturally pleasantly surprised. That was how the phenomenon of Babatunde Fashola and the transformation of Lagos, including the Atlantic City project, stunned us and impressed us. That the Southwest is going currently through a genuine transformation should be a thing of joy. Sustaining the current efforts and preventing the return of the anikuras is a task in everyone’s interest. On my part, now that I see with my eyes, and I know of the efforts made and the outcomes achieved, I bow my hat to the vision of Governor Ajimobi and his team. Of course, it is not finished and there’s more to do. O tun ku nibon n dun. And as long as the spirit of the last two years still sustains the team, we can expect more wonders. I kept my promise to report my findings back to Opalaba and I commended him for his truthful account of the ongoing-projects in the state. “It’s because you see that you believe. Blessed are those that didn’t see but still believe” my friend responded.” Even the devil is capable of quoting the scripture! thenationonlineng.net/new/i-see-therefore-i-know/
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 08:41:40 +0000

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