I see things episode 15 continues..... Wer had dat com 4rm? I - TopicsExpress


I see things episode 15 continues..... Wer had dat com 4rm? I saw I was still holding on 2 his staff of power as he had called it and as far as I knew d fight we had earlier had left him spiritually drained. I struggled 2 my feet nd almost immediately found myself in a vice- like grip around my waist.I groaned in pain nd tried 2 free myself nd eventually afta much effort I pulled out of d grip, collapsing again on d floor nd dropping d broken staff. Mr. A*** was laughing now. “So much power in such a small vessel! Who wuld hav known? My Master obviously lied 2 me, he didn’t want me 2 b as powerful as he was!” I raised my head nd saw Mr. A**** still holding on 2 d chain but now it was a brilliant blue colour. Light emanating 4rm Nina’s body shoe brightly in2 d chain nd was pulsing like some sort of electrical current in2 Mr A****’s right arm. “Wen he said ha destiny was great,I tot he meant she wuld bcom very rich in life,or a wise person,or sumtin like dat…I neva knew he was talking about raw power! Maybe she wuld hav been a prophetess or a healer,but now we shall neva now,eh chuks?!”he said,nd wit a sudden violent tug he tore ha wings off. I shouted nd struggled 2wards ha as Mr A**** carried d still glowing wings nd hugged dem , uttering sum incantations.I didn’t care wat he was doing,I just wanted 2 make sure Nina was all right.As I crawled 2wards ha she started convulsing nd arched backwards as h eyes rolled in2 ha head.I screamed nd held on 2 ha until d convulsions passed nd she bcame still.Toostill. I held on 2 ha,hugging ha limp body nd refusing 2 look in2 ha eyes.Mr. A*** was still chanting nd finally I heard him gasp. I looked up just in time 2 se d dismembered wings disappear in2 his body nd den he started 2 grow a pair of his own,only dat they were bat-like, sinister, covered in dark brown leather and ended in talons. Mr A**** himself seemed to increase a little in size and his full spiritual regalia returned. It was a painful process as he squirmed and tore at his face and back but finally it was done. He stood up straight and examined an outstretched wing, and then the other one. “Yes. Yes!” he laughed. “This is magnificent! I feel – “ I didn’t let him finish. Shouting at the top of my lungs I lunged myself full bodied at him. I caught him in the chest and we both tumbled over the old sofa. I was shouting and trying to land a punch on his ugly face, noticing that my hands had inadvertently caught fire; and he was struggling to defend himself. I managed to get on top of him and landed a solid punch on his chest. He grunted but caught my wrist on my second attempt, grasping my other hand as well. Although they still burned, he showed no sign of pain and with a shout he flung me off him. I tried to get to my feet but was brought down by the full weight of the sofa which Mr A**** was now using as a battering club on my back. And he was still talking. “Have you ever heard of the strength of mad people, chuks? That is nothing compared to what I have now!” The sofa came down again on my back and I heard the wooden frame crack with the force. Pain shot through my back and I fell, rolling forward to avoid another blow. I caught Mr. A**** by his legs and pulled hard, throwing him off his feet. I pressed my hands against his chest and mustered all the fire I could, and this time he screamed in pain. He tried to yank my hands off but they were now so hot he couldn’t even hold them. I laughed maniacally, forgetting what I had said about not killing him, forgetting about a lot of things except Nina’s body lying still on the floor. He writhed and struggled and finally kneed me in the stomach and the pain made me double up and let go. He stood to his feet and pointed a winged talon at me and I felt that vice-like grip around my waist again, constricting, making breathing difficult. I concentrated and grasped the invisible vice with both hands, concentrating my fire and everything else I felt into my hands. And there we stood, locked in spiritual battle, both screaming in anger and pain, when I saw something behind him. Nina was standing up. I was so surprised I lost concentration and Mr. A*** slammed me against the wall, laughing and coming closer as his vice like grip increased, I struggled to break free, to breathe as he moved his grip from my waist to my neck. “You see, Mr Chuks, I win! I am stronger than you are!” Nina stood there, surrounded by a bright blue light, her eyes closed, her face peaceful as if she was asleep on her feet. I watched as two new pairs of wings grew out, bigger, whiter, lovelier than the ones before them. And this time there was no gold chain to bind them. And her apparel changed and in a flash she was dressed in white with a silver bangle on her wrist and a golden belt around her hips. I had seen that kind of belt before and recognized it immediately. It was the same kind of belt Pachios wore...... Shes an angel? I tot....... To be continued..........
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 18:38:38 +0000

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