I see trainers spending a lot of time and money going to cert - TopicsExpress


I see trainers spending a lot of time and money going to cert after cert after cert. How many goddam certs do you really need? Firstly, dont buy into the BS that Fitness Australia feed you that you have to earn a certain number of CECs each year by continually attending worthless certs just so they can make some money accrediting courses. You can get business insurance from just about anywhere these days so you certainly dont need to be listening to them about how you educate yourself. Secondly, most clients, as in about 95% of them, want general fitness. They need some diet advice, some strength work, some mobility, and a bit of cardio training to help shift weight. Any cert you do beyond those is a bonus or insecurity on your behalf. But heres the thing - if you want to actually earn good money you need to be an expert in your area. Not your local area, although that helps, but in your chosen subject. What makes you an expert is indepth knowledge of a few topics that join together, not shallow knowledge of a hundred different things. As an example, when I did the RKC I got rid of everything else I was using in training for five years. Every single session I did for myself or training someone else was only done with kettlebells. It wasnt until I had spent all that time with them that i felt like I really understood them inside out and it allowed me to figure out where and how they should be used in conjunction with barbell and bodyweight training (which Id already spent twelve years on). Dont make the mistake of doing a cert and rushing off to do another different cert. All youve done is waste the money you spent on the first one by not going away and refining the skills learnt and gaining skills and experience. That is why people come to you in the first place, you know? Because they think youve got wisdom gained by experience. Going and doing a few hours at a cert is not experience.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 02:37:34 +0000

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