I seek to speak of a topic many choose in fear to avoid but in God - TopicsExpress


I seek to speak of a topic many choose in fear to avoid but in God given truth I hope to shed light on this TABOO subject! I speak of Islam being the center topic as a religion of peace in many of todays societies Yet it seems that more & more kitmān كتمان secrecy, concealment & al taqiyya تقية Lie or deceit is being used at every turn, even by non Muslims who support Muslims. For such an example Sec of State John Kerry stated today to many ignorant members in our US government, particularly through political correctness aka COMMUNISM. When he stated that ISIS is not Islamic. Though it can NOT be TRUTHFULLY denied that ISIS practices the emulation of Muhammad their prophet, exactly. Please let me say that I speak this in TRUTH alone not as an attack to anyone or any person through hate but for the basis of complete TRUTH! With that said, anyone with a brain, 1 eye & the ability to read & research can know the TRUTH of Islam. I have read the Quran & the multiple hadiths , edicts of Islam to understand it better since 1998. By reading the Quran, hadiths & edicts of the Sunni, Shiite, Idabi & Wahabi Islam it is not difficult to see that the basic element of each is that of a man known as Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim (aka Muhammad), Islams prophet from 632 ad. By this major portion of Islam practicing Muslims alone, it is known that ALL good Muslims are required to emulate all of their prophets actions in their entirety. Based on that, if one seeks truth they will see that Muhammad was NOT a man of peace (with the ONLY exception being in the very beginning of his created religious movement, this outside of Medina.) Muhammad sought peace through mere words NOT through his seditious actions against the nation he was in. Because once he obtained the military might, he showed the lands of Medina who he truly was with his vile, inhuman & sadistic actions of summarily executing ALL who did not follow him in the beginning. If any stood against him, than they received the ultimate punishment of having their head chopped off as what occurred with the thousands upon thousands of people of Medina to speak just one of many deceased groups of Arabs , Christians & Jews. Even this is evident in surah 4:104 And be not weak hearted in pursuit of the enemy; if you suffer pain, then surely they (too) suffer pain as you suffer pain, and you hope from Allah what they do not hope; and Allah is Knowing, Wise. These action of beheading the Muslim prophet Muhammad practiced is exactly what is being seen today in the Islamic lands of the middle & even other areas, no matter where the Islamic Muslims live, even in the Western world. There is NO such thing as RADICAL OR EXTREMIST Muslims in the Islamic world, for Muslim is Muslim except for the sects & their hadiths in which they follow and an apostate Muslim,. These terms Ive mentioned of radical & extremists are of a western culture terminology in which some try to show a clearer separation to the ignorant people suffering under political correctness (communism) in the western nations of the world. Political correctness has infected nearly all the Western world of nations in an attempt to silence TRUTH above their (liberal/communists) lying propaganda to institute a One World Government or New World Order based on EVIL. Islam in FACT & complete TRUTH is NOT a religion of peace but more so through the Islamic practice of al taqiyya they try to trick & deceive the infidel / unbeliever aka non Islamic practitioner into believing this lie. The BIG lie, that Islam is a religion of peace, so as to allow them to grow in numbers until they reach a greater population within a host country before they begin the hate & murder practices of their religion upon the host nations population. The Muslims do this because they feel that the entire world is Muslim & it is their responsibility to reclaim the world for their moon god Allah. Once they do obtain vast numbers in a nation, they will then begin to show the TRUTH of who they really are as a religion of NO TOLERANCE, NO ACCEPTANCE OF OTHER RELIGIONS let alone NO PEACE to non Islamic Muslims. As I have stated truthfully in the past, the only peace in Islam is the millions upon millions of body PIECES of their dead victims, they continuously leave behind in their intentional carnage to subjugate the world under Islam!! Even their noble Quran speaks clearly of the hate, NO tolerance & NO PEACE that can be seen today and is required by their hadiths & edicts of ALL good Muslims! Such evidence of what I speak in truth can be found in MANY surahs (verses) in their Quran. As is evident in surah 2:191 And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah (civil strife, sedition) is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram (Islams most holy site in Saudi Arabia) until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers. Also in surahs 2:216 Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it. Verifiable proof of Islams NO tolerance of any other religion can also be found verbatim in surah 3:85 If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good). No other religion is accepted by Islam for they are considered to be infidels & even apostates if the Muslims have converted to another religion. Not even if one who coverts to Islam & be considered a dihimmi class (a sub/lower class of people who are subjugated to a tax called jizyah). Yet even being a dihiimmi does not mean that you will be allowed to continue to live a moment longer after your forced & paid for conversion! These practices of Islam that I have laid out in truth have been practiced for better than 1,382 years consecutively!! If any seeks to prove me wrong you are welcomed & invited to do so, BUT ONLY IN TRUTH, no other avenues will be accepted, just plain & simple TRUTH alone!!!! In closing, Truly I say PEACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST BE WITH YOU ALL.. Know full well in your heart, mind & strength that I being a born again, Holy Spirit filled & led , forgiving & loving Christian. I will not chop your heads off to force you accept my Lord & savior Jesus Christ. I will though, diligently pray for your salvation into the fold & the heavenly Kingdom of God Almighty, through his only son Jesus Christ: He who is the way, the truth & the only light of this world for the salvation of our souls. Serenity, peace, love, fellowship & acceptance of one another through soulful repentance can be your if you will only believe in Jesus Christ. Just as is stated in the Holy Bibles gospel according to Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Once you do believe & accept Jesus as your Lord though, you will want so much more from Christ. Which is obtained through baptism of water for the remission of sins & the baptism of the Holy Spirit for the greater GLORY, HONOR & WORSHIP of our Loving, merciful, forgiving savior Jesus Christ!! Praise be to God, Hallelujah, AMEN!!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 00:19:54 +0000

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