I sent a text message to my BFF today....... it went to someone - TopicsExpress


I sent a text message to my BFF today....... it went to someone else. Thankfully the message wasnt that sensitive and the recipient not that offended. And WHAT DID I DO??? The answer is.......... a classic Mercury Retrograde mistake!! Check your recipient lists - reply? or reply all? Back up your phone. Save everything on your computer. Allow extra time when travelling. Double check your appointment times. Technically Mercury goes retrograde this weekend but I can already feel its shadow. Mercury retrograde can be an unwanted messy visitor who leaves a stain on the carpet, says all the wrong things at the wrong time. We can breathe a sigh of relief once he leaves at the end of October. Mercury rules communication, clear thinking, truth and travel, so when the planet goes retrograde — which means that it looks like it’s going backwards in the sky — all those things go backwards. They start to get ugly and tangle up. Mercury isn’t really going backwards, it’s just hanging out by the sun, but from Earth, that makes it look like it’s in reverse. It typically runs for a couple of weeks, a few times a year. Mercury retrograde is a self imposed rest time from the Universe. We are not meant to push any issues. We are meant to: RElax REwind REview REvise REgain REcommit REnew Sometimes it’s a minor correction, while at other times it can be a series of adjustments and changes that need to be made. Of course, there are always the general warnings that come with Mercury retrograde which are worth heeding: - Back up your hard drive before the retrograde - Dont buy large ticket electrical items - Keep all receipts and guarantees from any purchases - Allow yourself extra time when travelling - Hold off on signing important contracts - Do repairs on machinery before the retrograde And of course the benefits are that youll have more time to catch up on paperwork, research, follow-ups, and taking time out for your brain to relax!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 06:47:27 +0000

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