(I sent from different email before but never got receipt of - TopicsExpress


(I sent from different email before but never got receipt of email like usual so Im sending again in case it didnt go thru cuz I really need advice. ) Hello, Zane I wrote u in the past & u gave me very good advice... But now Im writing about a VERY sensitive subject, my baby. Its a lot so Ill make it as short as possible Im a single mother of a seven year old girl. Academically, she is excellent... She catches on very fast & on a reading level two grades higher. Unfortunately, her behavior keeps her from doing as well in school as she is capable of. She is in 3rd grade; & Ive been having the same kind of issues for a few years. Her behavior would be good some days, & most other days not so good. The problem is that towards the end of the school year last year & every day this school year, her behavior has gotten worse, its gone from sometmes to pretty much everyday. And this behavior that Im speaking of is ONLY at school. She has been mean to other kids, destroying things, knocking things down, being disrespectful... She has gotten suspended for one day already this year. Zane, I have WHOOPED HER, POPPED UP AT THE SCHOOL, PUNISHED HER,TAKEN THINGS, NO TV NO GAMES NO GOING OUTSIDE, NO RIDING BIKE, NO COMPANY.... I take away EVERYTHING! She has been punished since the 1st day of school! Her teacher says her behavior is very strange & its seems like she has some anger going on about something. She doesnt display any of this behavior at home only at school. Once I leave the school, it starts. I have come right back & caught her in the acts. ive gotten on her in school many times. she will be fine for a minute, maybe even a couple of days but it always starts back up. I do have problems at home with her being extremely hyper. When she starts up (playing, excited about something) it literally is a struggle to calm her down. Even when playing with other kids, I have to keep calming her down because she is so active & rough. I love my baby to death & I have cried so many nights praying to God..... & wondering what is wrong & if its something Im not doing. Its something going on in her little mind. It broke my heart tonight when she told me she is jealous of other kids who have a father.... she had NEVER said anything about this before. I fought back tears as we talked so she would keep talking. I knew she would eventually be affected by his absence :-( (She has only seen him once, at his mothers funeral a couple years back.... He doesnt talk to any of his family) Im at a point that I dont want to make a wrong move. I love on her, I discipline her, we are faithfully in church.... Every sunday, every week for bible study, & she is in the choir. What else is there to do whn punishment doesnt work or taking things? Or yelling? talking nicely? Or even when spanking doesnt work? Ppl are sometimes so quick to say what they would do in a situation but u truly dont know until u are in it... It hurts so bad to NOT know whats going on with my baby. I have given this situation to God & I trust that He will make it better. Just wanted some sincere advice & to know if there is anyone who has faced a similar situation... MY RESPONSE: She needs to see a child therapist. None of us can speculate about why she is acting like that. It may be about the absence of her father or it may somehow be tied to something she is relating to being in school. She needs to be evaluated now so that it will not get worse.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 18:50:34 +0000

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