I sent my manager a mail today. The subject was Request for - TopicsExpress


I sent my manager a mail today. The subject was Request for fulfillment of lifes dream. It went thus: Respected Maam All humans are entitled to 3 basic rights - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Once the first is present (were not dead), the second is guaranteed, we are free to pursue happiness in the way that we see fit. As a small town lad with big dreams, I am keen to achieve these dreams somehow. It might not happen today, or tomorrow, or by next Tuesday (Im taking leave for Diwali after that) but they will happen some day. I plan to work ceaselessly, tirelessly relentlessly until I manage to achieve them. But our dreams are not always in our hands. It would be ideal if we did not have to depend on anyone else and we could ensure the fulfillment of our dreams by the sweat of our own brow, but the real world does not work that way. Circumstances may dictate that another person has the power to grant or deny our wishes. I find myself in such a situation at this juncture and the person who wields this power is you, my manager. The philosopher Jean-Jacques Rosseau once said that happiness is a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion. With respect to him, I must disagree. These 3 things can only get you 75% of the way there, because he failed to mention a key component that the happiness of any free man would consist of. What use is a good cook and a good digestion if you dont have the means to carry that food to the place of your choice? It would completely rule out the possibility of picnics and what is life without a picnic or two? The implications are actually more dire, because what if the lack of the means of carrying your possessions leaves you chained to the same location for the rest of your life? It is my dream that I would one day overcome this. My humble modification to Rousseaus quote would be a good bank account, a good cook, a good digestion and a good laptop bag. I implore you, consider my request and consider how much this means to me. This would be a truly life changing event if you could make it happen. Tl;dr Id like reimbursement for a laptop bag and HR said you need to approve it. Yours Sincerely Krishna Sundarram Unfortunately, my mail went to her spam folder. I cant think why that could have happened. But I made sure to remind her to see it. She did, and this was her reply: Respected Sir, I must say that you seem extremely committed to achieving your dreams, and I wish you the very best in that. Although in normal circumstances, I would have approved your request for you to be able to pursue your happiness, this mail has made me stop and think, whether the power to approve/disapprove of a thing so critically important for your survival should be left in the hands of a mere manager like I. I plan to raise my voice against these rules, and while I fight for the rights for you and your brothers and my sisters, I hope you will patiently wait for me while I revolutionize the system. Or You could send me a simpler mail, cc HR, and I will forget all about this and we can continue to live in this cruel world with the ability for our basic rights to be strangled by managers.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 14:46:49 +0000

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