I sent this e-mail to Dr Qhubani Moyo as my response to his - TopicsExpress


I sent this e-mail to Dr Qhubani Moyo as my response to his article Criminalising Tribalists Labelling. I have used terms that have pejorative connotation to show my contempt for people who perpetrate tribalism . Hia Dr Moyo I read your article on the scourge of tribalism in Zim. I have not lived in the country myself but have been confronted with it while on visits. As a person of modest education I have tried to understand tribalism as: 1) the behaviour and attitudes that stem from strong loyalty to one’s own tribe or social group. Member of the tribe share common culture, a language of a sort, history, tradition, customs, beliefs and folklore. The tribe is identified by some or all of these attributes. They may not particularly like people from a neighbouring tribe, but may be happy to co-exist in their separate ways; with contacts through marriage or social economic exchanges. 2) hostile attitudes motivated by cultural tribalism. The first is the more common in the third world; a result of colonialist application of the old Roman maxim of divide and rule. The second is usually supported by ideological ideas of superiority, which is then used to oppress and marginalise minority group(s). In Zimbabwe, Kenya, Angola, Nigeria, CAR, Mozambique, Uganda and Cameroon both versions exist . The ruling elites, usually from the majority tribe, use the power of the state to intimidate and impose their language and culture on minorities. In Zimbabwe ZANU-PF elites have used fiction and myths drawn from Solomon Mutsvairos writing to build up a tribal hierarchy with the Zezurus at the top followed by the Majority Karangas. Manicas are lower down in the hierarchy. The Ndebele and white people are regarded as a bunch of miscreant who should be shown the way they came to Zimbabwe, in case they have forgotten! Oddly enough, the smaller minority groups are missed out altogether. They are seen as not posing a threat. However, it is the Ndebele people (born of the Zulus) who have been singled out for virulent forms of tribalism. The state has manipulated ordinary Shona people to equate themselves with Zimbabweaness, thereby alienating Ndebele people and other minority groups much further. There is something truly cruel about the ZANU-PF inspired tribal fascism. In a rather obscene way the perpetrators have come to believe that they are the victims, while accusing their victims of being the real villains. And sadly, some Ndebele people are often made to feel guilty. The last bit of you article exposes your vulnerability to unjustified guilt. Kind regards Mazisi Zikode
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 21:32:09 +0000

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