I sent this message to Chuck Todd. Right, Wrong or Indifferent I - TopicsExpress


I sent this message to Chuck Todd. Right, Wrong or Indifferent I hope at least Chuck does some soul searching. Chuck, Dont you think it is time for you to stop drinking the White House Cool Aid and start reporting the facts? I used to admire you for a lot your reporting skills, but since BoBama got into office NBC & MSNBC have turned their backs on REAL Journalism. Sadly, since the passing of Tim Russert Press the Meat: has gone down hill and panders to this administration more than ever. You dont go after BOBAMA like you would George Bush (1 & 2) or any other republican or independent free thinker in Washington. My point is your reporting of the race in Va. and the upset by Dave Brat V/s Cantor will tear the Republican Party apart. Dave has said it time and time again, it is not about him V.s Eric Cantor. He thinks Cantor is a pretty nice guy, but has lost his way on the Republican principles. The news today only wants to pit everyone in Washington against others for nothing but a ratings war with other networks. This no longer works as you can see from the ratings of FOX and THE BLAZE.. This is a false narrative NBC wants to promote to further the deception of the BoBama administration. I used to be a staunch Democrat and voted for BoBama in 2008 on his Change you can believe in promises and he BLEW IT. After that I started to educate myself about the political process and found that liberals and the Democratic Party want one thing and one thing only. Absolute Power. As the old adage goes.. Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely! I implore you and the rest of the main street media to do your homework before you make a judgement about Dave Brat and learn the facts. The guy hasnt had 24 hours and the liberal media is painting a picture of him as a trouble maker and a liar. Why dont you interview Dave Brat and fire the questions at him as you would any other republican, but afford him the courtesy of an honest interview with no editing of his comments as NBC and MSNBC have done in the past. Chuck, you are a talented reporter and I want to someday say I am proud of what you have accomplished on your principles as a journalist. PLEASE DO THE RIGHT THING and if NBC sends you packing you will land on your feet at another news organization that will recognized you have gone back to your principles as a journalist and report on the truth and facts rather than do what your superiors at NBC and MSNBC tell you to do. Please check out Dave Brat for Congress web site and learn a little bit about Dave and what WE THE PEOPLE want from our representatives on BOTH sides of the aisle. Respectfully, Richard Cacciotti
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 16:54:45 +0000

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