I sent this out to some of the people who registered early for the - TopicsExpress


I sent this out to some of the people who registered early for the 28 Day Challenge but feel it is a powerful message and wanted to share it with everyone else! Even if you are not in the challenge you can apply it to your own life... "First off Congratulations! Just signing up for this challenge means you are looking to make a difference in your life, and in many cases it took GREAT Courage to do so! I just wanted to send a quick shout out asking you a question...”why is it that some people are achieving amazing results and making all of their goals a reality while others are just maintaining and possibly moving backwards?” You might be thinking that they obviously know something the others don’t... Maybe they have a better plan. Maybe they have better systems in place for their given lifestyle. Or, maybe they have a better support system at home. But if we dissect each of those “maybes”, we’ll find that although each of them can turn mediocre results into a complete transformation, it’s not the deciding factor. I can say that because over the years I’ve seen people succeed despite terrible odds stacked up against them. I’ve seen people achieving 100lb+ losses with nothing more than their body weight and a proper nutrition plan. I’ve also see people with little to-none of a system or plan and yet have every “bell and whistle” from every infomercial you can imagine achieve little to nothing for results! These people had what I call the ONE you can’t teach. And, it’s this ONE thing that dictates whether you’ll end up making it big AND sustaining your success. Because you have to remember, it’s one thing to get results in 4 weeks and a whole other thing to keep it that way month after month and year after year. Napoleon Hill in his book, “Think & Grow Rich”, referred to this one thing you can’t teach as “perseverance.” However, I feel what he meant by that word was more of an “attitude” that one needs to embody in order to be in the top 5% of what ever they are working towards achieving to really be successful. You need to have a confident, stubborn swagger about you and live by this one phrase, “whatever it takes.” I refer to it all the time as the “whatever it takes attitude.” Are You Willing to Do Whatever It Takes? The greatest sports players in the world will do whatever it takes to be the best. They’ll search out coaches, they’ll shoot hoops at night in the dark on the playground trying to perfect their jump shot, or skip going out on Friday night with friends in order to watch some film. And, when those best players in the world begin to get older and they’re not as fast or explosive as they use to be they find other ways to still dominate and be the best. They become smarter instead of just relying on skill. They are willing to do whatever it takes. Look at Michael Jordan. When he got older and couldn’t dunk over everybody at will he decided to beat his opponents in other ways. He came back the next season with a 3-point shot in his arsenal… Now when it comes to your fitness goals you need to have this whatever it takes attitude as well. The reason I say that is because sometimes you need to build up your body, sometimes you’ll need to improve your nutrition, and other times you’ll need to figure out how to incorporate these things into your lifestyle. The education and skills department is different for each person, but the one thing that never changes is your attitude towards your success. As I said earlier, this is something you can’t teach. I can show you how to use this challenge and how to set up systems to keep yourself organized, and how to maximize your time to get the most out of it, but what I can’t do is change your mindset. I Can’t Teach You This… I can’t teach you how to be willing to sacrifice giving up the good in your life to go for the great. I can’t teach you how to be willing to stay up late or wake up early if that is what’s needed to succeed. I can’t teach you how to put in extra hours that you’re not being “paid” for or required of. And, I can’t teach you how to want to put in the time required to achieve the best results and become the best YOU that you can be. My feeling is though, that if you’re reading this you already have what it takes to be great. No one is paying you to read this – you’re reading it in order to grow in some way. What I recommend you do now is refine your “whatever it takes” attitude by focusing your energy where you need it the most in this upcoming challenge! Whatever it takes is the theme of this Challenge and what I truly believe will lead you to reaching your potential! I designed Fitness All-Stars LLC T-Shirts with this saying on the back: Whatever It Takes No Excuses No Explanations If you would like to own one of your own you can purchase them at our online retail store: fitnessallstars.gigabitprint/staticstoredesign/id/214497 If you can’t tell I am SUPER PUMPED to start this 28 Day Challenge and I wish you the best of success and no matter what, never lose your attitude of doing whatever it takes in order to become successful! There will be more details to come as far as when we will be doing measurements and initial weigh-ins!! DEDICATED TO YOUR SUCCESS, Cody Weltzin P.S. If you have friends or family that would like to register they still can! Prices will be going up as we get closer to the start date! fitnessall-stars/Back_to_School_Challenge.html
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 03:56:13 +0000

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