I shake my head in dismay at so many, that are so often right wing - TopicsExpress


I shake my head in dismay at so many, that are so often right wing that it does warrant automatic assumption they are right wing when they make such statements. Under the post about the Supreme Court possibly denying millions healthcare by derailing ACA/Obamacare that states they would be death panels someone posts what is wrong with taking care of yourselves,hmmm I have to wonder about people that make such comments, do they live in such isolated small circles they really dont know, do they just have tunnel vision, do they willfully ignore reality in order to avoid having to care because of fear and the desperate need to feel superior in some way, or are they just so consumed with greed that they must falsely judge others to feed that greed ? Do they really not know that nearly 1/3rd or 28% of all jobs in America pay less than $10.15 an hour with no benefits and many such as in the healthcare industry caring for the sick and elderly are important very much needed jobs ? Do they not know that 260K 4 yr. college graduates, 1 million veterans, a few million single parents some because a spouse was killed fighting for this country , in accidents, due to illnesses, etc.. Do they just not care, dont want to see, or feel so superior and invincible like it could can never happen to them ingrained with the I got mine attitude, so to heck with everyone else ? Is it possible to educate the public that really just dont know since the media will not help? Is it possible to change the minds of people with the I got mine cold dead heart attitudes that are consumed by greed and worship of the $$$. Dont get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong and much to admire in aspiring to and acquiring wealth and not giving it all away and doing without yourself, but, it certainly IS possible to give back some and still continue to gain, and it is the right thing to do, because no one builds that entirely on their own. The more fortunate, some that struggled and fought to get where they are, often feel I did it, so they can also.. But no 2 situations are ever the same, no 2 people ever have the same fortunate or unfortunate dealings in life that can make it swing one way or the other, and the poor do not have a monopoly on bad choices they just have a monopoly on difficulty to overcome. Should someone be condemned to a life of struggle, hard labor, and poverty because they perhaps have low IQs even if they have good hearts, have been born with an illness into a poor family instead of a wealthy one. got caught committing some non- violent crime when thousands have done the same, but just got by with it and/or were perhaps bailed out by someone that knows how to navigate the justice system in their favor ? I dont close my eyes to the fact that there are people who just want to ride a system and sponge off of others that do honest hard work, but contrary to common perception these people come in all levels of incomes some are just better at scamming and running the parasitic bottom feeder game than others, a perfect example of the higher income parasitic bottom feeders are legislators that take theirs and use their power to deny others. . I will end my rant for tonight by stating I can not even begin to describe how thankful I am for all my social media friends, and the Americans, and all the people in the world that DO SEE the truth and fight so hard for justice, for what is right, and fight to end oppression and make the world a better place for future generations. Keep fighting my friends never give up.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 04:40:17 +0000

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