I shall be also sending this to the Opasquia Times: Dear - TopicsExpress


I shall be also sending this to the Opasquia Times: Dear Community, There appears to be a number of misconceptions regarding some of the projects that we are currently spearheading in the community, so I just wanted to spend a few moments clearing these up. 1. Spraypark - The spraypark has been fundraising for a number of years, since before the last election. First a big thank you to Diane and Eric Sanderson, and all the staff of Timmys, the volunteers, and all the people that bought cookies - in just one week we did over $7000! It truly shows the support we have in the community. Other communities, like ours, that struggle with infrastructure and budgets, still manage to initiate an idea, and have it built within 2-3 years, but ours still is at a level of standstill. The spraypark group is not asking for our own tax dollars back to build the project - we have asked for land. The concept is to have barrier-free (free and easily accessible) recreation. The idea is the same as successful sprayparks in literally every other major community in the Prairies: we fundraise, a Service Group such as Rotary or Kinsmen takes it on as a major project, and then we apply for matching money from grant opportunities offered at Provincial or Federal level. There are no direct local tax dollars that build it. The issue is that the municipality has to give land - this is the necessary step in order to access grants, as the vast majority of large grants cannot be applied for by the non-profit - it is the municipality that has to do this. Yes there will be associated costs down the road such as water usage, and cleaning. This is why its ideal to utilize existing property that is zoned as parks as automatically the communitys insurance will cover said property. As for costs of water, the vast majority of communities do not even track it (yes, the same communities that have water breaks and crumbling roads like us). Covering the maintenance costs are quite literally a drop in the bucket, and for 99% of communities, are easily absorbed within existing budgets. Its interesting to note that a few months ago, the CDC approached the spraypark group, not to spearhead the project, but rather to ask for the then $30,000 that we had raised. I am unsure as to the reasoning why this new beacon of economic development (funded solely by us taxpayers until the recent accommodation tax changes) wanted their hands on spraypark money. Perhaps, you should contact their Executive Director. Regardless, the community has spoken, and its fair to say that most are in favour, as long as tax rates are not impacted. No one, including us organizers feel that we should be choosing this project over infrastructure repairs. We feel that the Town budget (even though were on a strict diet), should be a well-rounded meal: Steak and potatoes (infrastructure and repairs), with just a tiny side of vegetables (recreation). We also believe that the less unnecessary (frivolous spending) dessert, the better. 2. The skateboard / BMX park - Again, there seems to be misconceptions for this project. No - we do not want the taxpayers to pay for this project. We are trying to access land, and are currently in talks with KSD and KRC. Theres a plethora of reasons why the current location is best suited: - Its currently a skatepark (one that will likely need to be decommissioned in the next years due to its state) - Its in a centrally located area close to major roads and other recreation - The costs associated with building in Devon Park or the old hydro building area will increase project costs (and not be in a central area) - The other areas that may be considered (near Wellness Centre or Centennial) are more suited to other projects that currently under discussion with other user groups As for a small, but vocal amount of people that dont like the idea of the project, their concerns seem to gravitate around: Litter - In an odd sense, litter seen may be a good thing (bear with me). The park is still getting used by so many kids - kids that could be vandalizing, breaking into your cars, spraypainting your backlane, or setting fires to buildings. But no. Theyre playing. At a park. And a minority of them threw their Kool-Aid Jammer container on the ground. (Also, do you think kids skateboarding and bmxing actually want broken beer bottles on their park? Its not them doing it!) None of us like litter, but that is literally the weakest excuse, and if thats your main concern then we shouldnt have sidewalks, arena stands, or allow people to watch baseball, since litter is common in these places. Behaviour of Users - First, its generally not the kids using the park that are spraypainting, breaking bottles, and wrecking the park. The majority of users take pride in it, and offer to paint it, sweep it regularly, and even bring their parents snowblowers in the Spring. Dont project blame for the actions of a small minority, onto the majority that use the park in a positive fashion. Further, there will be less negative actions of users (or bystanders) if our concept comes to fruition, as we envision a family-friendly area, that is open to everyone - parents, kookums, friends. Additionally, this highlights the importance of proper lighting, since shady things happen in darkness. Cost - Again, we are attempting to utilize the same concept as every other community. We bust our butt fundraising (thanks for all the support thus far!), usually a Service Group steps in, Town in-kinds land, then you apply for grant dollars. No-one is currently stopping us, its just a tad of red tape that were trying to get through. While we dont expect a hand-out, there was money that didnt cost the local taxpayer a cent - namely the accommodation tax fund, and the Bi-Pole money. Both, originally, could have impact on recreational projects / events. It appears, however, that current Council has changed their minds in the original intent of these funds. We are not trying to re-invent the wheel, and we are not saying that we dont already have wonderful opportunities in our community. We are just trying to build on it, expand, and develop our community further. Please feel free to join us. Yours in Community, Jerome Conaty
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 14:02:20 +0000

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