I shall continue with my message: I AM NOT A DENOMINATION (Part 9) - TopicsExpress


I shall continue with my message: I AM NOT A DENOMINATION (Part 9) This part shall be the conclusive part of this message: I AM NOT A DENOMINATION.We started looking at those activities that goes on in the denomination from the fourth part until the eighth part.I heard the MESSAGE and came out from those biblical errors. “I AM NOT A DENOMINATION” is my testimony,so what will be your testimony on the last day? You know more than what I have written here,from your personnal experiences with some of those churches and pastors.For lack of the Pentecostal power to convert sinners because they have pushed away the Holy Ghost,are now resorting to using oratory and motivational talks,seminars and lectures rather than the Old Holy Ghost fire backed revival. Seminars have only the ability to teach people earthly-bound principles as reflected on what we hear everyday on the television and bookshops.I heard a popular preacher of a chapel church in Nigeria say that he has the mandate to teach only prosperity.Another one says that his own is to raise financial giants,another says his own is healing and deliverance but I believe that there is only one ministry,which is, “THE MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION” (1Cor.5:17-21). Jesus Christ is coming soon and our priority now should not be worldly prosperity teaching but getting the BRIDE of Jesus Christ world-wide ready for the rapture.Let conversion and knowledge of the revelation that pertain to the soon coming of Christ be primary while any other teachings be secondary (Matt.6:19-34,Lk.12:15-21 & Col.3:1-4). God foresaw these conditions in the church and since He cannot come to receive a confused church for the rapture,He kept a ministry of restoration as He did during His first coming when He sent John de Baptist (Is.40:3-5,Matt.3:3,Lk.1:76,Mal.2:1 & Matt.11:14) fulfilling Mal.4:5-6. The prophecy of Mal.4:5-6 is now fulfilled as God sent forth His humble servant WILLIAM MARRION BRANHAM with the END-TIME MESSAGE backed by the Elijah anointing and deep revelation of God’s word for this hour,to call out true Christians from the DENOMINATIONAL EERORS,fulfilling the midnight cry of Matt.25:6 and the SHOUT of 1Thess.4:16 screaming that we should return to the ORIGINAL APOSTOLIC DOCTRINES,genuine ppower of the Holy Ghost and true character of Christ as we anxiously await His soon coming. We are now in the days of the voice of the 7th Angel of Rev.10:7,Rev.18:4-5.Brother Error for long has been impersonating on the television,radio and streets as Brother Truth because he stole Bro.Truth’s garments while Bro.Truth was still in the river bathing and cleaning up his REVELATION. People thinks that Bro.Error is actually Brother Truth because of the gifts he is manifeating but ALAS! Brother Truth has finished his bath and is now ready to go into town to expose the impersonator,so as Bro. Truth came out and could not find his clothes he decided to show himself to the whole wide world NAKED. “BRETHREN,BEHOLD THE NAKED TRUTH”. So,I invite you to ignore Bro. Error and come and hear the what the NAKED TRUTH is saying and see the original giftd and manifestations of the Holy spirit as it happened in the original church before the MYSTRY OF INIQUITY took over. Note the following prophecies: 1Tim.4:1-2,2Tim.3:1-9,2Tim.4:1-4,2Peter 2:1-3,Jude 3-23,Titus 1:10-16,2Cor.11:1-15,Rom.16:17-19.They all speak of the conditions of the church at the end-time. You and I know that they are all fulfilled now.People have departed from the faith but the grace of God has come down with a message of RESTORATION of the church to come back to the Apostolic doctrines and faith.The books of Isaiah 48:20;52:11,2Cor.6:14-18 & Rev.18:1-4 are crying out to true believers to come out of the erroneous assemblies and faith and return to the WORD OF GOD. This is our sinere attempt to draw your attention to some of the abominations that have crept into the church,as was the case in Isreal (Is.28:8-10).These self-called pastors are fulfilling prophecies,therefore do not fear to change your pastor or denomination if necessary. You are to run for your life and damn the consequences for standing for the truth.God started the church with the RECONCILIATION MINISTRY and because of what hereaies have done to the Christian faith,God is ending the programme with the RESTORATION MINISTRY. He planned a pure word based church at Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 as seen in the New Testament.If that church brings out a branch,it must look,believe and teach the same doctrines that they thought.We (BRIDE) are that branch and the harvest is near. BE RESTORED TO THE BIBLE TRUTH OF THE HOUR,GOD BLESS YOU. FOR PRAYERS AND COUNSELING CALL BRO. EMEKA 08102539884 If you have any question from the above message, Write them in the comment box.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 00:31:49 +0000

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