I shall live to always remember that day. Five we were in a car - TopicsExpress


I shall live to always remember that day. Five we were in a car on our way to our friends wedding on December 28, 2012 The journey was exciting, with sharing of stories and singing of songs. We had stopped to eat and there watched a bit of videos. 3 hours or so later the unthinkable happened. Three of us behind had fallen asleep. The friend in front, beside the driver, took a snapshot of this to tease us with later (by the time we would have woken up); he didnt get the chance. We didnt wake up as planned or intended or thought. No, the unthinkable had occurred. The unthinkable jolted us, not awake, but further deep. Within a few seconds from the snapshot our friend turned around and something inexplicably inevitable was occurring. A swerve was made and our car was head-on against an oncoming car. In his words, it appeared as though everything happened in slow motion, but it was all too fast to control.. In our attempt to avoid the accident, both cars had swerved away from the highway and still collided head on. The unthinkable had happened. We had lost consciousness. The friend in the left back seat awoke to the screams of the friend in the front seat. He was trying so hard to drown his pains in the screams. He had sustained multiple fractures. There was blood everywhere. Stunned, Saltan (Sultan), the friend in the left back seat, opened his door and woke the friend who was also driver and car owner. Together they tried to rescue us all. The friend to my right, Thanni, had also woken up himself in a lot of pain. I dont think he screamed like Osi, the friend in the front seat, was. In the midst of all this I was blabbering a lot of things, some made sense, some did not. Phemmy said he was frightened hearing the words (comprehensible ones) that came out of my mouth. Well, I slipped into unconsciousness or altered consciousness. There was blood everywhere, my nose, my mouth, my ears. We were taken to a hospital for resuscitation, which we didnt get for lack of sufficient funds. And a man showed up, and like an angel we were moved to a teaching hospital close to the area where we were resuscitated. During this time our dear friend Saltan (this is how I choose to spell his name, derived from salt) is said to have choked on drinking water and died. Lanre Sultan died that night, and in a very strange way. I awoke after on the third day to this very sad news. We went through pains, treatment and surgeries. Osi even had 3 surgeries within a year. I am not here to share the pain so much as to rejoice in God with my friends. God saved us. God kept us. God has been faithful. I am here to say thank you. Let the earth see our grateful hearts and hands unto the Creator. It is miracle that we are alive. It is miraculous the rate of our recovery. Some of us have been scarred for life. Some of us may yet have total recovery. It took over a year, but, today Osi Itamah walks. Ekerette Ekpo can talk. Bekaiye Joseph Phemmy lives. Thanni is well. For this little much, I am grateful. I am indeed grateful. We all are. Oluwa has been involved. Oluwa na wa involved. Adupe lowo re. Gba ope wa. Gba iyin wa.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 06:42:45 +0000

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