I share the same surprise as many in hearing about the passing of - TopicsExpress


I share the same surprise as many in hearing about the passing of Robin Williams today. But I cannot help but notice ... While almost every one of my FB friends have made some comment about it expressing their surprise, sadness, prayers, et cetera, ... Very, very few seem anywhere near as interested in the issues that really impact us today: the rise of ISIS filling the vacuum in Iraq after our lord santa claus pulled us out, the genocide of Christians and slaughter of Christian children at the hands of ISIS, the open threats of ISIS to build the Caliphate and destroy the US, murderers and rapists and gang members and the disease ridden and who knows who (or what) else pouring across our southern borders and being transported without notice into our neighborhoods in the wake of our lord santa claus openly and defiantly refusing to enforce existing immigration law, the rise of Russia once again as a serious geopolitical threat, the pending nuclear capability of Iran and North Korea and their repeated threats to destroy the US, the open support of our lord santa claus for the Muslim Brotherhood affiliated terrorist organization Hamas and notable lack of support for our longstanding ally and the only stable democracy in the region in Israel (remember the maxim), the many many scandals that threaten our very system of government and our culture (e.g. Fast and Furious, IRS targeting of conservative groups, suspected voter fraud to win the last presidential election, the overreach of numerous government agencies, etc.), the remaking of our courts after Senator Reid took the unprecedented act of revising the Senate rules to break a filibuster on judicial nominations, the purging of top military leaders and the remaking of our military (e.g. the aggressive prosecution of any member who dares to speak out about our lord santa claus, the denial or Christian services or practices while concurrently requiring the obeisance to Islamic observances and practices, etc.), the militarization of our police forces, the indoctrination of our children through programs like Common Core and the drivel being taught in our colleges by liberal professors, the open assault on Christianity through Obamacare (e.g. requiring people to act against their faith and purchase products they find morally reprehensible) or the IRS (e.g. agreeing to monitor the sermons of Christian clergy), and on and on and on ... Yet,in the face of all of this, the great story of the day, the dominant thread or commentary among most of my FB friends is all about the passing of Robin Williams. Thankfully, my rant here does not apply to most of you in this group. While many of you have commented about his passing, I know you are also very aware of these other, much more pressing, concerns. RIP Mr. Williams. While we will miss you, I hope you are not overly offended if we keep your passing in perspective.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 01:04:06 +0000

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